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Equipment/vehicle requirements: unfair advantage to other contractors

{{ ratingSum }}
1 Driver
 Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

Lyft has misled me as a contractor/driver and violates their business code of conduct and ethics, with respect to communication, and fair dealings. New equipment/vehicle purchased that meets lyft requirements, Made sure it met the requirements beforehand. Lyft refuses to allow me the use of the equipment. I filed a complaint  and the reply was the new regulations implemented have not been published yet. Lyft says they cannot allow use it because equipment is too old being manufactured in 2004 but they could allow equipment  Manufactured after 2005. this was impossible for me to know beforehand because it wasn’t published anywhere for contractors. during a complaint to a chat help representative from lyft found literature available in the public domain. It states that the company that insured lyft has entered an agreement where lyft won’t allow equiPment older than 12 years to be used. HOWEVER, they still insist that they can allow the use of equipment manufactured in 2005. Problem; the current year 2021 - 12 years = 2009 Anno Domini. NOT 2005! Their excuse is entirely invalid. I wouldn’t have bought the equipment had I known it was not allowed for use and was assured the new regulations would be made available to other contractors soon. This gives other contractors an unfair advantage. 

I want a lawsuit. Do I have a case? What should I do? I essentially was just wrongfully terminated because I cannot work using this car. Fml. Btw the car is in excellent condition No damage, no history of accidents, only one previous owner, luxury trim vehicle.

Yes! If you had been wondering. The actions of “lyft support” (has to be a misnom…


Lyft has misled me as a contractor/driver and violates their business code of conduct and ethics, with respect to communication, and fair dealings. New equipment/vehicle purchased that meets lyft requirements, Made sure it met the requirements beforehand. Lyft refuses to allow me the use of the equipment. I filed a complaint  and the reply was the new regulations implemented have not been published yet. Lyft says they cannot allow use it because equipment is too old being manufactured in 2004 but they could allow equipment  Manufactured after 2005. this was impossible for me to know beforehand because it wasn’t published anywhere for contractors. during a complaint to a chat help representative from lyft found literature available in the public domain. It states that the company that insured lyft has entered an agreement where lyft won’t allow equiPment older than 12 years to be used. HOWEVER, they still insist that they can allow the use of equipment manufactured in 2005. Problem; the current year 2021 - 12 years = 2009 Anno Domini. NOT 2005! Their excuse is entirely invalid. I wouldn’t have bought the equipment had I known it was not allowed for use and was assured the new regulations would be made available to other contractors soon. This gives other contractors an unfair advantage. 

I want a lawsuit. Do I have a case? What should I do? I essentially was just wrongfully terminated because I cannot work using this car. Fml. Btw the car is in excellent condition No damage, no history of accidents, only one previous owner, luxury trim vehicle.

Yes! If you had been wondering. The actions of “lyft support” (has to be a misnomer, as they are not at all supportive) seem to violate their own posted business code of conduct and ethics. Appears they never had enough integrity to spell the name of that pot farm on South Park(Tegridy Farms).

This question was suggested to be posted here from ‘ask a rideshare guru.’

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    {{ ratingSum }}
    211 Rider Guru
     3 years ago

    Sorry to hear about the issues with Lyft. LegalRideshare typically focuses on drivers involved in  accidents and injuries, so this issue is a bit outside our scope of expertise. However, here's my suggestion: 

    I'd look for a contract / employment attorney in your area who can shed light on if you have a case or not. Easiest way to do that is search for your state's bar association. Once there, you should be able to find categories for attorneys. 

    Another option is also to see if you can go to a local Lyft hub and talk to someone about the issue. Sometimes it helps get clarification on what can be done. 

    Hope that helps!

    {{ ratingSum }}
    OP 1 Driver
     3 years ago  (edited 3 years ago)

    Thank you! Sadly their is no Lyft hub in the state of Oklahoma.