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Lyft finally got some B@!!$! They made a positive decision on their own without waiting on Uber to do it.

{{ ratingSum }}
8198 Rider Driver
 Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

WTG Lyft! I always call these companies out for their BS however they have made a positive decision for the drivers.

Lyft (Logan) finally makes a decision on their own. Doesn't wait for Uber to do it first. Although I dont see Uber doing it at all. 

LYFT still has some more improvements to make for the drivers but they are headed in the right direction  here in Philly and NJ. Lyft Increased some rates for drivers.

PHILLY - increase in base fare, per mile mile, and per minute. 

NJ - increase in base fare, per mile, slight decrease in per minute but the increase in per mile was more than the decrease per minute

I assume this is in multiple if not all markets. 

POINTS -  drivers can accumulate points on certain trips and cash them in for a CASH BONUS OR RIDE CREDITS. I know my points added up rather quickly for a nice little bonus. Much more of a bonus than Uber ever gave. We need to do nothing extra for it. 

Although it wasn't a large increase in rates its a start. If Lyft would continue to do this they may just win over the drivers or at the very least get some back or have more sign up. They have a ways to go but small increases every few months would be nice. The points system is a nice bonus and so far no strings attached. No acceptance rate % to maintain, no cancel rate to keep low, or number of rides to complete. I call these companies out on their BS but I have to say Lyft has made an attempt to head in the right direction. Hopefully it continues.

I am keeping my fingers crossed that there isn't a catch. When either company rolls out something positive for drivers there always is a negative side. So far I haven't seen it but its…


WTG Lyft! I always call these companies out for their BS however they have made a positive decision for the drivers.

Lyft (Logan) finally makes a decision on their own. Doesn't wait for Uber to do it first. Although I dont see Uber doing it at all. 

LYFT still has some more improvements to make for the drivers but they are headed in the right direction  here in Philly and NJ. Lyft Increased some rates for drivers.

PHILLY - increase in base fare, per mile mile, and per minute. 

NJ - increase in base fare, per mile, slight decrease in per minute but the increase in per mile was more than the decrease per minute

I assume this is in multiple if not all markets. 

POINTS -  drivers can accumulate points on certain trips and cash them in for a CASH BONUS OR RIDE CREDITS. I know my points added up rather quickly for a nice little bonus. Much more of a bonus than Uber ever gave. We need to do nothing extra for it. 

Although it wasn't a large increase in rates its a start. If Lyft would continue to do this they may just win over the drivers or at the very least get some back or have more sign up. They have a ways to go but small increases every few months would be nice. The points system is a nice bonus and so far no strings attached. No acceptance rate % to maintain, no cancel rate to keep low, or number of rides to complete. I call these companies out on their BS but I have to say Lyft has made an attempt to head in the right direction. Hopefully it continues.

I am keeping my fingers crossed that there isn't a catch. When either company rolls out something positive for drivers there always is a negative side. So far I haven't seen it but its only been a few days. It's about time Lyft (Logan) pulled their b@!!$ down out of their a$$ and made a good decision and added a perk and it wasnt on the heels of Uber. Lyft has the opportunity to win over drivers if they play their cards right. Increase rates more (not asking for same rates in the early days) just make them fair. Keep trying to make drivers safe. 👍👍for addressing the fake passenger names & the laugh on the mistake. Work on the transparency because Uber (Dara) sure as hell doesnt know what the word means. Long pick up fees (over 10 min) added without lowering our rates would also be a great addition. 

Just an FYI to Dara (Uber)

Business Transparency definition 

It doesn't mean charge the rider a high surge, show the driver a few $ surge on the map, and Uber pocket 75% of the surge or more. Hiding the real surge amt. from the driver and allowing rider to think its going to driver is the exact opposite of transparency. 

Saying that 911 can be contacted through the app so Uber can give them our location. Great idea but you left out that is only available in 23 cities in the US and not all the time. BTW there is over aporox 4000 cities just in the US. We all are being led to believe that if we contact 911 in our apps that Uber can tell them our exact location. Not true. Read the TOS, fine print. Again not definition of transparency. Step it up Lyft you can do much better and be much better than Uber. 

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    {{ ratingSum }}
    OP 8198 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

    What Uber and Lyft dont seem to realize is drivers do have influence over what company riders choose. I have talked to countless riders, family, friends, etc.... At one time riders had their loyalties. That isn't true nowadays. Now that both companies are well known, not many differences, & #deleteuber happened I found a surprising number of passengers listen to drivers. In the past 6 months I have been asking passengers why they choose one company over the other? The answer surprised me. Let me mention I drive in PA & NJ so answers could be different in other markets. Passengers responded "other drivers told me Lyft treats drivers better". I have never heard "Uber treats drivers better". So next time Uber and Lyft think we dont matter. Not only do we matter but we can and do have some influence on which company the paying passenger chooses. We can very easily convince a passenger on what company to use. Once price is taken out of the equation we can se…


    What Uber and Lyft dont seem to realize is drivers do have influence over what company riders choose. I have talked to countless riders, family, friends, etc.... At one time riders had their loyalties. That isn't true nowadays. Now that both companies are well known, not many differences, & #deleteuber happened I found a surprising number of passengers listen to drivers. In the past 6 months I have been asking passengers why they choose one company over the other? The answer surprised me. Let me mention I drive in PA & NJ so answers could be different in other markets. Passengers responded "other drivers told me Lyft treats drivers better". I have never heard "Uber treats drivers better". So next time Uber and Lyft think we dont matter. Not only do we matter but we can and do have some influence on which company the paying passenger chooses. We can very easily convince a passenger on what company to use. Once price is taken out of the equation we can sell a passenger on either company its not hard. I have conversations with 99% of my passengers and I am sure many many other drivers do also. It's not difficult to talk up one company and put down another. In fact it's very easy. So not only can they not operate their business without us. Just a quick reminder those self driving cars are not quite going to be ready when Uber and Lyft thought they would be. We can have a big impact on what company a rider chooses. May be a good idea to keep drivers happy just sayin. 

    Lyft has the opportunity to get ahead. The press love to put out negative articles about Uber. Lyft is always in the shadows. They can treat drivers better if they choose. Not many drivers me definately me being one of them cannot stand Dara. Sounds like a win win for Lyft if they do it right. It could be Lyfts time to shine lets see if they can do it. 

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