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RIDEGURU GIVEAWAY! Win $200 to Amazon!

{{ ratingSum }}
304 Rider Driver Driver Guru
 Posted 6 years, 7 months ago

This giveaway is simple! All you need to do is create a user login and post at least one topic or comment in the forum by 11:59 pm on August 31, 2018 and you could win $200 Amazon dollars! For every eligible post/comment you will recieve one extra entry for the contest.

The more you post, the more chances you have to win!



    {{ ratingSum }}
    275 Rider
     6 years ago

    I love it how Amazon Gift Card is just as good as cash these days.

    Can you imagine if the offer was for Chipotle gift card?  I'd think twice.

    Show Hide  11 Replies
      {{ ratingSum }}
      447 Rider Driver Driver
       5 years ago

      Lol toe jam food

      {{ ratingSum }}
       6 years ago

      Amazon Prime is where it's at, I can get so much without ever leaving my couch.

      {{ ratingSum }}
      105 Rider
       6 years ago

      What's wrong with Chipotle.  Love their food.

      Now, if it were McDonald's..   actually, that'd be as good as cash.  I know we all eat there, even the snobs. (they just don't admit it)

        {{ ratingSum }}
        275 Rider
         6 years ago

        What's wrong with McDonalds. :)

        btw, they own Chopotle doesn't it?

          {{ ratingSum }}
           6 years ago

          McDonalds is FAKE food people. FAKE toxic food that is poisoning our children!! Wake up!

            {{ ratingSum }}
             6 years ago

            We already know this. Just can't resist

          {{ ratingSum }}
          105 Rider
           6 years ago

          Actually, no. They had a 90% stake at one point, but they sold it off.

          The burger chain made an investment in Chipotle in 1998 that helped it grow from 14 locations to nearly 500 within seven years. By 2005, McDonald's had a 90% stake in Chipotle's business. But one year later, McDonald's divested its stake and parted ways with the fledglingburrito chain.May 22, 2015
            {{ ratingSum }}
             6 years ago

            I thought this was a Uber forum.

              {{ ratingSum }}
              1072 Rider Driver
               6 years ago

              Sadly, the fast food discussed is often an integral part of a rideshare drivers diet.  I guess that in a way, that makes it relevant?  undecided