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‘Rideshare Rapist’ case exposes flaws in Lyft background checks

{{ ratingSum }}
221 Rider Driver
 Posted 6 years, 7 months ago

I just heard about this. Lyft has been on a defensive, huh?  Is this some Uber conspiracy where Uber is undermining them?

"Lyft is scrambling to reinforce its background checks after revelations that an undocumented immigrant who has been charged with serial rape had worked as a Lyft driver.

Orlando Vilchez Lazo, 37, whom police have dubbed the “Rideshare Rapist,” posed as a ride-hailing driver in order to kidnap and rape four women as they left San Francisco bars and nightclubs, according to San Francisco authorities who said he had stickers from a major ride-hailing company on his car — a tactic that presumably helped with the deception.

Although there are no allegations that Vilchez Lazo was giving rides for hire when the rapes occurred, Lyft confirmed that he had worked for the company and said that he has now been deactivated, its word for terminated. The rapes occurred from 2013 to this year."

"Lyft didn’t answer questions about what changes it is making. It and Uber use public records to vet drivers. Both companies rely on the same provider: San Francisco’s Checkr. (Lyft recently switched to Checkr, which was not the background check provider when Vilchez Lazo was vetted. It isn’t commenting on other providers, but New York’s Sterling Talent Solutions confirmed that it previously worked for Lyft without specifying the dates.)"



    {{ ratingSum }}
    188 Rider
     6 years ago

    The Rideshare Rapist - scary. Rideshares are actually a great tool for psychopaths to utilize. An easy way to get unsuspecticing strangers into your car.

    Show Hide  1 Reply
      {{ ratingSum }}
       6 years ago

      Been saying that through taxi days.

      Lots of great murder mysteries through taxis.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago

    I don't understand how this still happens! The app gives you the car make/model/license plate!! Just match it up people. It really is not that hard.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      1072 Rider Driver
       6 years ago

      Never underestimate the ignorance of people.  On many occasions I've had people stare at my car from the front, then from the side, back to the front, all at 4am in the damn morning on a deserted residential street with my Lyft amp and Uber beacon glowing brightly in the window.   After I stick my head out the window and call them to my car, they say "I didn't know it was you because your license plate iss wrong.  WTF?   The plate listed is NA06123 and this is the tag on my car...


        {{ ratingSum }}
        810 Driver
         6 years ago

        I once had a passenger from NJ doubt me if I was really their rideshare driver as they stared at my front bumper trying to find the license plate. I NJ a car has to have one on the front and the back, but in PA where I live only on the back;)