Uber is embracing the bicycle
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Uber, Lyft rider. but I take Bridj to work!
Uber is embracing the bicycle
DOCKLESS. That means you can leave the bike anywhere, and others find it using GPS.
This paints a funny imagery in my head. People abandoning the thing everywhere. Upon arriving at a building, they'd just jump off while the bike is still moving, and ends up being inside a bush.
Imagine following the red beacon on your GPS like a scavenger hunt, and finally arriving at the bike. Only to find that it's up in a tree or inside a dumpster.
Let's start taking bets on when they will sell off this business like their stupid leasing company.
I think this is great. As part of the urban renewal projects, they started designating certain neighborhoods to be "car free." This can promote such initiatives. I am all for it. Super green.
Oh, those things are awesome. They are self-propelled, right? Like my push-mower.
I suspect so many would get stolen or go missing. I bet they are all gone within 9 months of launch.