The Uber app is now going to ask drivers to pause before starting a ride to give passengers a chance to buckle their seat belts.
Has anyone had their driver ask them to buckle their seatbelts?
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The Uber app is now going to ask drivers to pause before starting a ride to give passengers a chance to buckle their seat belts.
Has anyone had their driver ask them to buckle their seatbelts?
Why people still don't wear their seatbelts in cars boggles my mind. Its the same as why people still smoke! The risks of these things have been proven people!!
Is it just me or does this seem liek a strange feature to be adding? How about a help button for all the sexual assaults!!!
This is always tough. A lot of times people don't buckle up. I am not comfortable driving people around unbuckled, but I don't want to seem like a prude or get a bad rating for being insistent on it. So a lot of times I just don't say anything.
So the app freezes for a moment to make people buckle up? Who pays for those moments? Is the clock running?
This is not goingot change anything. I doubt drivers will actually tell their passengers to put on seatbelts, who wants to be THAT driver!?