I heard this really irritates the drivers?
Do drivers care if the passengers wear seatbelts? Do they enforce it? Maybe downvote passengers who don't?
Posted 6 years, 8 months ago
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J Green (jcgreen79)

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No, I do not care and don't enforce it. All it'll do is to make my rating (potentially) lower. Why take that hit for someone else's safety?
I am not joking aroudn either. I actually imagined warning people and seeing if they would tip me more or get my ratings higher. Nope. I don't think that'd happen.
What's wrong with all you posters. This is 2018. Don't you know the danger of not wearing a seatbelt? You need to watch some of those horrifying training videos where people die so easily when tossed outside of a car. It's no joke.
I don't think anyone is arguing the safety aspect of it. We just don't enforce it. I wonder if there's actually a penalty for not enforcing...
Missing the point. Legal or not, fee or not, we all should wear them. They save lives.
nope. I am not missing the point.
Go to YouTube and look up, "no seatbelt accidents."
I honestly do not get why people do not wear seatbelts. Or smoke. Or refuse sunscreen. These things have all been proven over and over and over again to save lives/give longevity.
When a passenger sits in the back seat I have a sign on the seat back with all car "rules," with the first being, "Please use seatbelts as required under XXXXXXXX." (XXXXX = your local seatbelt ordinance) I did my part in asking compliance with the law.
I do not, however, require that passengers wear them unless they're in the front passenger seat.
We lived for decades without worrying about backseat passengers wearing seatbelts and the world is still spinning. Requiring them now is nothing more than nanny state, politically correct BS.
Sound advice. Cover your ass in terms of liability first. you protect yourself, and let the riders protect themselves.
Oh, I like the idea of a sign. Thanks!
I don't agree with your backseat/no seatbelt logic though. Seatbelts are proven to save lives whether you are in the back or front!!
I just re-read the post question. You are asking if drivers DOWNVOTE? Nah, that's pretty harsh and extreme, no? We may think you are stupid but we won't judge!
Plus, giving you a negative rating won't make you fix your ways.
and in Uber, you do not downvote. LOL
Well for that matter, we don't leave "negative" ratings either. We give stars. :)
This heavily depends on the state law. For one, whether the belts are required in the backseat. For two, whether the drivers are responsible for it.
Gosh, overwhelming number of drivers saying they don't enforce it. All the conscience and safety discussions aside, I believe in many states, the driver, regardless of whether the car is for-hire or not, is responsible for enforcing the seatbelts. I am in Massachusetts, and that's the law here. So the driver gets the ticket.
Not sure about the insurance or legal aspects of it. but I know you can get ticketed, and you can be pulled over for it too.
Next state over in New Hampshire, I think you can do wathever you want. LOL
Live free or die, damn it.
I am a Uber user. I don't wear seatbelts whenever I am on taxis, Uber or public transportation. I feel like it's one place I don't need to and I feel invigorated and liberated. LOL.
Children should always have a seatbelt on.
You might want to have them wear the seatbelts. If you have ever seen what happens to the people in the front seat when passengers in the rear do not wear seatbelts... I have seen it happen in one accident, the guy in the back seat broke the front seat and pushed the front passenger into the dashboard snapping his neck and splitting it open (you sould see through it) killing him instantly. The guy in the back seat woke up and staggered away. Horrific accident. One word: Inertia. You imagine a 120-280 lb person moving 35-70 mph behind you. You stop and they do not.
Just saying...
I would feel like the biggest tool telling my pax to put their seatbelt on. It's their life.
Yes, I can get fined for passengers not wearing seatbelts. I can also get deactivated from driving with Uber. Why would I risk my MONEY and my JOB just becuase you feel like being an idiot?
Sure, I do prefer the passengers wear seatbelts, but I don't get mad to the point I give negative ratings. I do see plenty of people not buckling up, and I have never given a downvote.
Relevant discussion thread:
Do drivers have to enforce seat belt use to the passengers?
Honestly, I don't notice if you are wearing a seatbelt or not. So I guess I don't really care...
I do enforce it and I do warn people to wear seatbelts. It's not because I am a saint, but because I do not want to be sued or have insurance deny the payouts.
You become personally responsible if you don't enforce it. I can be sued for millions and never make a profit for the rest of my life. If I get sued and liability insurance doesn't kick in, I am screwed.
What? No, I call BS on this. You do not become personally liable for some stupid ingnorant behavior by your passengers. If they dont' wear their seatbelts, that's their problem.
Now, whether I have legal responsibilities to enforce the seatbelt can probably be argued. I will admit that. Probably depends on the state or something. However, only because I may not be following the books, it doesn't mean insurance company won't pay. If I am speeding and get into an accident, the company will still pay, right?!
DDominico isn't correct with his blanket statement, but you (DriveMeToTheMoon) aren't quite right either. This is why law sucks and those blood suckers make so much money.
If you are caught by the insurance company breaking the law or doing something ignorant, the insurance company may not pay. They can certainly argue that. If you are in doubt, why don't you call the insurance company, tell them you are speeding and ask what happens if you crashed.
I encourage my passengers, sure. I believe in them, and my job is to get them from A to B safely.
I do it in a nice way. Maybe just say, "Are you bucked up, ready to go?" and if they don't, I don't push it. After I said that and they don't do it, that means they don't wanna do it.
Also worried about liability concerns for me not warning them. Ha! Maybe I am selfish
Yeah, I am seeing your point. People know when they are breaking the rules.
In the front seat? I always ask.... not because I am noble but because my car constantly beeps if we don't buckle in. The back? not care too much. I still look out of habit (I got kids), but I hold back the urge to warn people. It's their life.
In my state, passengers aren't required to wear seatbelts. Since all Uber users are 18 and over (and those who aren't are under the responsibility of another), I don't need to and don't care to enforce it.
You may get tickets. Well, I guess the passenger can get tickets. I guess you don't care about that.
Nah. I don't care.
I despise seatbelts and I hate the government for enforcing them on us. It's the whole big brother thing. how dare they tell me how to live or how "risky" I should live my life. Can I eat Chicken McNuggets for the fives meals in a row? That's my perogative.
Depends on the state law. In some seatbelts aren't required in the backseat, and in some , they are exempt if within a taxi. Is Uber a taxi? I have no idea.
I frankly don't enforce them. Couldn't care less.