After 12 hours of driving, drivers will be banned from accepting rides for the next six hours.
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After 12 hours of driving, drivers will be banned from accepting rides for the next six hours.
I think this a great initiative. There was just an Uber that crashed into a school bus from being over tired.
What happens if you take a half hour break in the middle? Article is not clear. Can I drive for 8 hours, take a quick break, and then go drive for another 12?
Seems like a decent move. As a rider I have had some scary rides.
12 hours isn't that long. This limit seems low to me.
Wow, I was gonna say the limit actually seems high...
This is old news, no? Oh, it's six months old.
I feel like, "ban", is kind of a strong word. It's just disallowing the driver to stop working for a few hours so he or she can get some rest. It's being enforced by most cities like Chicago anyways.