This looks pretty darn cool. Anyone try it? Most likely the screen is not adequately visible.
I am wondering if it'd be a good gift for my husband.
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This looks pretty darn cool. Anyone try it? Most likely the screen is not adequately visible.
I am wondering if it'd be a good gift for my husband.
After seeing the so many accidents on road I believe People need a technology that makes them stay focused during driving rather than an autopilot stuff.
One day a friend was talking about something Heads-up display then I researched a lot about his on the web came across some devices that works on this HUD technology it guarantees to reduce the probability of accidents and keeps the driver focused and free from any distractions while driving. So I Google and got to know about VIZR, from an article. I recommend to other to check out the VIZR review and explore its safety features. If it seems convincing to you then why not give it a shot!? ;)
I am almost as excited as when I bought the GLOW BOWL last season.
This video makes it look like the competition is us holding the phone in our hand. Do they think there is no other hands-free methods?
It was super cool until I played the video and saw that it's just a mirror on your dash.
Poor marketing, because if I didnt' see this dude just place it in front of a mirror, I may have thought that it had actual technology built in it. nope.