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WOW! Video Shows Driver In Autonomous Uber Was Looking Down Moments Before Fatal Crash

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82 Rider
 Posted 6 years, 11 months ago

OMG, have you guys seen this video? I am slightly traumitized right now from wathcing it. The driver was not paying any attention at all! Probably looking at his phone. So terrible.



    {{ ratingSum }}
    1149 Rider
     6 years ago

    I'd hate to say it but this was bound to happen as the testing expanded.  I mean, over 3000 people die every day globally in car accidents.  1.3M a year.  US alone - 37,000 deaths a year.  That's more than a 100 a day.


    So the question is basically, how wide spread is Uber's AV testing?  Is this statistically significant?

    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago

    it doesn't look like the Uber car attempted to stop at all.  I have to say, I think a human driver would have been able to at least make a reaction.

    This woman driver was obviously on the phone.  Looking down, trying to avoid that interior camera she knows is there.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    23 Rider
     6 years ago

    Well, the idea that the women 'just stepped out' or 'came out in a flash' into the car path is clearly false. Who's to blame the driver or Uber? both?

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      188 Rider
       6 years ago

      I still say both, that driver had a job and he was probably on his phone. Uber created the car and put it on the road "without" a driver, so if the technology failed, Uber is to blame.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    199 Rider
     6 years ago

    That video is INTENSE! A real driver definitely would have been able to spot her, this should have been avoided.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 82 Rider
       6 years ago

      I know, I am still shaking. I agree, if the driver was looking he would have seen her.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    330 Rider
     6 years ago

    What was this lady doing crossing a two lane highway in middle of a night?  In traffic court, it matters where this happened.  A driver wouldn't expect a pedestrian on such a big highway.  Of course, it definitely comes to how much attempt was made to avoid the collision.  Doesn't look like much of that happened..

    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago

    Did Uber play with this video's contrast?   Yes, it looks like this person came out of the darkness, but when I drive, I can see much farther out than that.  It looks like this car has a headlight pointed way down at the road or something.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    60 Rider
     6 years ago

    Real news or Fake news?