I dont want to be an employee along with many other drivers. However we all want increase in rates, safety ( riders sign up with legit ID), and ratings/deactivation changes. The group that wore IC shirts and spoke up at the Rally didnt want to be employees but not one mentioned increase in rates, safety, or ratings. It was so clear Dara's Dirty underhanded tactics were used. Dara and staff are absolutely disgusting douche bags. They are so crooked and dishonest they would sell their own mothers if it would benefit them. Those drivers sold their soul to the Devil himself. Stupid, stupid people! It amazes me what people will sell out for but this definately takes the cake. $25 to $100 and a free lunch. Is that what you are worth these days? You know who you are. Maybe Dara promised you something else. Stupid, stupid people hope it was worth it.
Who couldn't figure this out? Uber paid drivers to speak out against AB5. Drivers sold out for $25 to $100 and a free lunch.
Posted 5 years, 6 months ago
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Monica Castleberry (momof4)
Ride Expert from Philadelphia PA
Mom & Nursing Student by day Ride Share Driver by night always on the go
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Why Uber & Lyft Despise The California AB5 Bill
They went for cheap. Typical rideshare driver, just a little sugar, they’ll follow you.
I live in Los Angeles and AB5 is something I’m very familiar with. I’ve read the law, there’s nothing in it that says your flexibility will be taken away from you. It’s coercion and bullying tactics by Uber. Their pants full of IPO cash are on fire because of AB5. Nothing has stopped them from cutting rates and all the other evil stuff they do. If AB5 is the only deterring factor to bring these shady, unethical companies to the table for concessions, so be it. Without AB5 they will continue steamrolling your pocketbook.
It may be bullying by Uber right now but AB5 doesn't force Uber to employ drivers full time. Uber can make you work 3 hrs in the morning 3 hrs in the evening. They can give you 2 hrs per day or 7 hrs per day. 1 day per week or 7 days per week. Uber doesnt like or respect drivers they need us for now. They hate that. If drivers get what they want, to be employees Uber will want revenge. They are going to make drivers rue the day they demanded to be employees. They will let the rest of the markets see what its like to be an Uber employee. Dont think it will be pretty. Guess we will see in September
You obviously don’t know anything about the proposed law. But you seem like you’re completely against it. Uber treats you like an employee already, controls everything you do except when to turn your app on or off and they’re even doing that now after declining three requests in a row and call you an IC. You’re afraid of Uber treating their drivers worse if this becomes law? How much worse could they treat their drivers? You’re afraid of retaliation?
I reported it before LA Times
Uber=The Evil Empire
Lyft = The Dysfunctional Little Sister
These drivers are as dumb as it gets!!! How do they not see that they are only hurting themselves and all the rest of us by playing along as Uber's little pawns.
Some people will do anything for money. They dont look at the big picture or who they screw. Funny thing is they probably would've of did it just for a free meal:)
haha true, people love free food.
I agree with you, it shows hiw easily they cave not knowing the the economic realities of what they're doing. U/L are out of control, acting like a bull in. China closet, time for a break check.
Can someone give me the spark notes on AB5? Is this about drivers becoming employees?
AB5 is not about UBER and Lyft only, it's the classification of IC (independent contractors) vs employee status. U/L are getting the headlines since they are the largest gig economy players. AB5 creates very clear guidelines by an ABC test, if any gig company fails this test, they have to classify their workers as employees. The following link is everything you need to know about AB5.
Thanks. So this is in decision right now on whether it will all pass?
It passed the lower committee to go to the Appropriations Committee then it will be debated on the California senate floor and will be up for vote at the end of August so we will know by the end of August if it will pass or not