Pretty clear the van was not at fault if you watch the video. Lucky no one was seriously hurt, looked pretty gnarly.
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Drives for Uber and Lyft in the Boston area
Pretty clear the van was not at fault if you watch the video. Lucky no one was seriously hurt, looked pretty gnarly.
At some point, I'm gonna start thinking there is a conspiracy to stop the autonomous vehicles.
Taxi drivers hauling themselves in front of AV cars.
selfless martyrs.
Have they gotten that desperate?
That other car just came swerving into their lane. A human driver wouldn't have been able to stop it! Now if the other car was autonomous, it would have never swerved into the other lane and all would be fine. This is why we need all vehicles to be self driving
Human drivers may have been able to avoid it, as they may be able to pick up additional cues that AVs can't...yet. People are alert and can pick up many signals that may alert them that something is amiss or something "may be wrong." Then as a precautionary measure they'd slow down and start paying more attention.
For example, that black car started to enter the intersection, and let's assume it did it on a red light. (I can't tell from the video.) or maybe that oncoming silver car honked its horn. Maybe that car swerved and made a rubber screeching noise.
These are cues that Waymo RADAR/LIDAR probably not have picked up.
What the heck happened. that car came out of nowhere.
The black car from the left entered the intersection. I can't tell if it did on red or green, but the silver car didn't see it. Swerved.
and the car is going way too fast.
Drugs happened.
What's the point of all these test drivers? they don't seem to stop any of these accidents. Just playing candry crush.
Well, you don't hear about the times they did intervene and prevented accidents.
and you saw TWO accidents.
I keep reading "Waymo Van" as "Women" and I thought this was going to be some kind of joke post.
"Women involved in car crash?" Right a sarcastic one, right? coz it happens all the time?