I mean I don't like vomit in my car as much as the next driver but shooting the vomiter? wow.
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I mean I don't like vomit in my car as much as the next driver but shooting the vomiter? wow.
Something seems fishy about this. First that other passenger must have been SO incredibly blacked out to not remember his friend getting shot and dying. I would think even if you were pretty drunk that would be something your would remember. I dont get why the driver didnt just get back in his car and lock the door? I dont know, such an odd story.
He didn't actually shoot the vomiter, he shot the vomiters friend who was arguing with him about paying the clean up fee.
I dont get why this driver would have gotten out of his car? So what, he slammed your door. At this point, you got the riders out of your car and nothing good can happen if you also get out. Cut your loses and drive away.
This sounded crazy until I saw this happened in Albuquerque 😂