Ride Apprentice
Posts by ChatswickFan
Would Uber/Lyft drivers take me to a drive-in theater if I asked? What would it take for you to stay through the movie?
As a Uber or Lyft driver, what sets you apart from other drivers? What do you do to have an edge over others?
Uber parties for IPO were so wild an employee had to resign
Now we wait until what triggered the terminations. This article doesn’t have much details.My money in on sexual harassment, … -
For women around the world, the “gig economy” is just business as usual
Women “Uberized” the economy long ago... "Women run daycares out of their homes, provide cleaning services to neighbors, and carpool … -
If I don't rate my Uber driver, does it reflect negatively or count against him or her?
Alright, I will bite. Is Uber Visa Card a good credit card?
Uber app incessantly pushes this credit card to me. and it's been going on as far back as I can … -
Is there really a driver movement so they can see customer profile info before accepting? What's the argument? [updated]
I do understand the part about how the drivers want to see rider destinations for gauging the ride distance, either … -
'How else do I defend myself?' Female Lyft driver slams the car company for deactivating her account after she threatened a passenger with Mace when he MASTURBATED in her car
Oh, my. and I feel for this woman. What are we supposed to do if we can't use physical force? … -
Awkward Uber ride - for both drivers and passenger.
Getting kicked out of an Uber for asking to hurry
Drivers who smoke. What special things do you do to make sure you don't get dinged on your ratings?
The infamous article, "MIT says Uber and Lyft sucks"
I read all about the controversy about MIT calling how much the job sucks. It's from May, but I thought … -
My driver told me he gets lots of texts from people telling him to hurry up (upon pickup). Is this really true?
What mechanisms are there to prevent vandalism and enforce accountability on Bird Scooter riders?
I haven't heard of any Bird Scooters here in CT, but I can't sleep while I wonder this question. I …
I never thought of this, but driving is such a good excuse for a cheating spouse to leave the house and stay out for an extended period. Unlike a regular job where he needs to be at a specific location and having the hours tracked, driving gives so much freedom of hours and locations.
It's the same as me forgetting my reusable bags to the grocery store, which happens every time. Bleh.
You might be thinking about internal sexual harassment cases where employers can do more to protect its employees. However this is about passengers.
Sure there a lot more the company can do. Take complains to riders more seriously, ban or warn riders, be more explicit about what’s not permitted in the guidelines, etc.
If Uber decides to not do any of it for the sake of revenue, yeah, we have a systematic problem.
We do what we can do protect ourselves, right? Of course, there is a level of trust, but it's naive to think we can trust every driver fully .
Well, as a female, I was actually instructed to only put my first initial so the drivers wouldn’t be able to plan doing anything weird.
I have always been suspicious of Uber charging higher prices for loyal and repeat customers. ...because they will keep coming back for more.
I wonder if that describes people who claim they got different fares on different phones (in the same location)
“You’ve changed the way the world moves.” So corny. LOL
Oh my gosh! Why must you ask this? Are you planning something evil?!
Tell the driver to immediately pull over, inform him the plans have changed, and walk away whistling and hope no one notices.
Make sure to call your driver you actually called.
So much cover-up effort.
Two of my buddies started doing Doordash (or UberEats), I can't remember, and they both ride bicycles in Manhattan. They have been excited to get exercise in and make money at the same time.
...but guess what. They say it still isn't worth the money, and they have no car costs. That just tells you how the economics doesn't work on food delivery.
Right, I feel like there has to be a market for this. Drivers who aren't usually driving UberX and people. The economics must work, as there are precedents with Dominos. Crappier cars, young people who can't make money elsewhere, and more efficient process of keeping the drivers busy.
I wonder how it's different from pizza delivery or Chinese delivery. I am sure those restaurants make money, right? I mean, Domino's has its entire business model built on delivery. How can it be so bad for Uber.
Ominous post.
They built a new Wholefoods near my house last year. Now I have 2 hour delivery of any groceries. Free as long as I order more than $25. Amazing.
I can summarize your post with one line: “Shut up and drive”.
Easy. Request a driver. Once accepted, look at the name of the driver. If it's a guy's name, cancel. If it's a girl's name, go with it.
They can't give you a negative feedback unless the ride has started.
I love it.
Will there ever be a story like this on Uber drivers. I’m thinking not really.
5 hours for $39 is shoddy, but if 3 hours of that I spend reading, watching NetFlix and enjoying myself (And not incurring gas costs), maybe it's okay.
Got it.
I've never driven but $4.54 in 30 minutes doesn't mean $9.08 an hour, right? You have to wait for the orders to come in. I guess you can even wait in your living room? I gotta try this driving thing some day.