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What are the five worst things you can do to an Uber or Lyft driver?

{{ ratingSum }}
 Posted 5 years, 2 months ago


    {{ ratingSum }}
    190 Driver
     5 years ago

    1) Groom yourself in the car in any way. This includes but is not limited to:

    Scalp scraping and/or any excessive scratching anywhere on the body

    Nail biting/ clipping

    Nose picking/ Consumption of Nose Contents

    Application of hair products and/or makeup


    Insertion of eye drops / Inhalation or ingestion of allergy or misc medication

    2) Placing your fluids in the car in any capacity for any reason. This includes but is not limited to:

    Kissing, fornicating with another person or person(s) or strictly by yourself with yourself, vomiting, spitting out the window, excessive coughing, ANY uncovered sneezing/coughing, NOT showering at the gym and requesting a ride seriously this one bothers me ... we know where you live and we neither forgive nor forget you sweaty imbecile.

    3) Requesting or demanding stops like late night drive thrus, busy liquor stores, etc. No amount of “alleged” future tip is worth it considering two thirds of people that compel you into doing things don’t…


    1) Groom yourself in the car in any way. This includes but is not limited to:

    Scalp scraping and/or any excessive scratching anywhere on the body

    Nail biting/ clipping

    Nose picking/ Consumption of Nose Contents

    Application of hair products and/or makeup


    Insertion of eye drops / Inhalation or ingestion of allergy or misc medication

    2) Placing your fluids in the car in any capacity for any reason. This includes but is not limited to:

    Kissing, fornicating with another person or person(s) or strictly by yourself with yourself, vomiting, spitting out the window, excessive coughing, ANY uncovered sneezing/coughing, NOT showering at the gym and requesting a ride seriously this one bothers me ... we know where you live and we neither forgive nor forget you sweaty imbecile.

    3) Requesting or demanding stops like late night drive thrus, busy liquor stores, etc. No amount of “alleged” future tip is worth it considering two thirds of people that compel you into doing things don’t end up tipping.

    4) Start a controversial discussion of any kind especially political discussions which can be violent discussions these past 10 - 15 years or so. Lots of high school dropouts don’t seem to realize that threatening to kill the current or any former President is a felony and it just makes for any awkward ride.

    5) Try to compel drivers into bending or breaking rules most commonly open liquor consumption in the vehicle, smoking/vaping/toking in the car, more passengers than seatbelts, unaccompanied minors, children without booster or safety seats, etc.

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    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    Oh my gosh!  Why must you ask this? Are you planning something evil?!

    Show Hide  1 Reply
      {{ ratingSum }}
       5 years ago

      I think it’s poorly phrased. I think the poster means, “What are the five things - that are so bad - you shouldn’t do to an Uber driver?”  

      At least I hope that’s the case.