Ride Apprentice
46 DriverActivity
Posts by PhilDorfman
What does it take to become a FedEx or UPS driver? Do they make more money than Amazon Flex or DSPs?
I don't understand how the cancellation rate (the percentage) is calculated. Has anyone figured it out?
No, I am not stupid. I tried to do that math but it doesn't work. I know after experimenting that …
Can’t Uber’s crappy technology be blamed for this?
How do we know the car was supposed to have avoided the pedestrian, and that the expectation to this tester’s was that the car was to avoid her.
Also, doesn’t the liability still fall on Uber as it was their employee who caused the death?
Well, not everyone owns a car and has one at his or her disposal.
Many taxi drivers are immigrants who do not have the cash or credit history to purchase a car. They walk or take public transportation to "lease" a taxi, drop the few hundred bucks, and keep whatever they make.
I’ll be dead by the time autonomous vehicles take over, so this doesn’t concern me.
Why would they refuse to get out of the car. I can't even think of a scenario. Do you mean like when you get into an argument? Oh, like when you cancel the trip due to their behavior?
What I deal is more the drunks passing out in the backseat. I've been told to drive them to the police station but that's eve more distance I need to incur. . I'd rather just push them out of the car onto a curb. I did my job to get them to the destination and they probably won't remember anyway. lol
Just another marketing idea. Taco Mode does have a funny ring.
All will work itself out. No sense in wasting our breaths.
Isn't tipping a part of the education of the pax. i mean, it's all about the expectation. They don't know that the drivers are getting screwed by their company, i.e. Uber.
I think I heard somewhere that it's like a month.
Riders usually rate their drivers when they re-open the app or when they actually open the email receipt. I think they do give ample time.
I do something many other drivers but not all of them.
1) Febreeze between every fare.
2) Offer free chargers and mints, etc.
3) don't ask for tip
4) I don't play music unless asked. I don't engage on a conversation too much unless engaged first.
Just be respectful.
Thanks. I appreciate the attempts, but do you have something a bit more detailed and pragmatic. You say look for patterns and some locations, but I would love to hear more specific hints.
Thanks! I’ll check it out tonight.
Never saw it. I might have but I probably didn't bother. Was it in the app or their blog?
Nope, of course we don't. Too hard to calculate and the people who do Uber driving work are a bunch of low-class low-income and uneducated folks for the most part. me included.
Apparently just conversations. It doesn't even apply to music.
Yes!! Of course!
I don’t understand the question.
If you use Lyft or Juno, please ask me about "Uber."
Wait for your ride indoors
Ahhhh....as a driver, I hate tip #1!!! Please wait for us on the curb! We hate double parking!
Map your own route during the ride
See, this used to work differently in the past. The GPS would still kick in to identify the location, but it would snap to a closest address. Then the official address would be sent to the drivers.
It seems to work, but this ended up creating problems too where it would snap to a different location than where the user was. This happened a lot in big buildings, apartment complexes, campuses, etc.
There is a huge gap in the expectation and what's realistic. Customers expect us to be like pizza delivery. Straight to the door, whether they are in an apartment complex or an office building. So many times, they would expect me to go upstairs and knock on their door, while my car is stranded on side of a road. When I ask that they come meet me, I either get a complaint or have to wait several minutes for someone to come down. What a nightmare.
I am sure there are people who would do it. I mean, there are Chinese and Pizza delivery people out there. It's a good idea for Uber to try to leverage their existing workforce (i.e. drivers), but I feel like this is entirely a different job.
Umm...to make money, of course.