Arthur McBeth (amcbeth)
Ride Apprentice from West Deptford
344 Rider DriverDriving for Uber since 2016. Over 3800 rides.
Posts by amcbeth
Has any driver noticed that there is less rating by riders.
I hate to confess this but my rating has slipped from a 4.91 to a 4.89. With the new app … -
Weeping Passenger
I was taking a women (20 - 24) to an interview. Since it was late in the afternoon. I asked …
Featured Answers by amcbeth
It really depends on the car and how many passengers you have. You only have two so if not all of the luggage fits in the trunk, you could put the smaller bags on a seat.
I drive a Prius V that has ample room behind the rear seats. I once took four riders to the airport and they had five pieces of luggage that we placed ibehind the rear seats.
The best idea is to call the driver as soon as you get your ride. Explain your situation and see if the driver can fit the luggage. If that driver can't, then cancel and get another ride. There are plenty of drivers that would like a drive to the port.
Cancel within five minutes and you won't be charged.
I guess NYC is a different animal.
I live in New Jersey, only 20 minutes from Philadelphia. For some reason I am attached to that city.
Once I am in Philadelphia I can pickup rides going to Delaware and New Jersey.
I once drove a passenger to Reading Pa from Philadelphia.
The strange thing about Uber is if I have a problem, they tell me to go to a greenlight location in upper New Jersey (1 hour & 50 minutes) rather than the one in Philadelphia (20 minutes).
Once you select a different navigation, the second screen is opened for you by Uber and the address automatically placed into the destination. To change the GPS on the Uber app:
1. I tap on my picture in upper right corner.
2. Tap on account
3. Tap on App settings
4. Tap on navigation
5.You will have a choice of Uber, Google, or Waze navigation.
If you select any GPS other than Uber, you must watch for a cancellation text sent to you by Uber
For example, you are driving to a rider using Waze and the rider cancels, a notification will be sent to the top half of your phone. I am so used to casually watching for it, that is second nature to me.
By the way, stopping for a rider you continue making money (not much) and the possibility of a tip would make the stop worthwhile. A negative rating takes many trips to overcome. That's why I say risk versus reward favors stopping.
Thanks Larry
That is the console. The computer is not shown.
My name is Art, and I am not lost.
I like the current method of pinning to an address. If the phone location were tracked it would cause problems when the person crossed the street to for some reason and went back to await pickup.
Often in Philadelphia a person will be in the back of the house when they make the request and that causes the driver to come down a back alley instead of to the front of the house.
When that happens I tell them to make sure they are in the front of the house when they make the request.
Two amusing stories:
I had a strange pickup in NJ. The rider was walking from a mall and got tired and requested a ride.
I drove to the pickup address and she wasn't there. I called and she said she was at a diner.
Apparently she requested the ride while she was walking past the address. I rode to the diner and she wasn't there either. I called again and she said she would be out as soon as she paid her bill.
Another rider decided she would request a ride and save some time while she was on the Patco speed line. I showed up under the Ben Franklin bridge. When I called her she was several miles away at a station waiting. I cancelled that one.
In these two cases, tracking a phone would have multiple addresses. Not sure the GPS could handle that.
You can say the RATE is $9.08 an hour. But realistically you may not get another ride for 15 minutes.
Read the rest of the posts. One driver spent 5 hours and made $39. That's $7.80 an hour.
Another post states money is money. I guess that means that if the ride pays for his gas, then all is good.
Look at the app. You have a choice (currently) to turn off UberPool or UberEats, but not both.
I haven't been driving for about a month and Uber had an update. on there update they turned on the delivery option.
Damn if I didn't get an UberEats as my first ride. Again a McDonalds delivery. This time I made $4.54 in 30 minutes.
This delivery was in the suburbs.
Im my original post I said, "I DOUBT if you'll make $10 an hour in the suburbs, but at least you will be safe".
I wasn't being sarcastic, those were the facts.
Check your pay when you get a cancellation. Uber takes 25% of $5 leaving you$3.75.
Now you are making sense. I'm a driver myself so count me in on your proposal.
Not a bad idea LG PA
BigFrank, This is a gentleman's forum, shame on you.
RedAnt, I am a driver.
I begged for money and BigFrank didn't send me any. What a commie pinko tightwad.
I don't understand why the cancellation rate is such a hot topic. Surely no driver cancels so many rides that they should be concerned.
When the new app was installed, I noticed that they did away with the number of 5 star ratings which I used to track on a spreadsheet by day. I was more concerned with that, then a cancellation ratio.
Why would Uber ever include this feature? Riders pay for the ride, drivers don't.
The whole objective is to give rides to people.
When you accept the ride the notification contains the riders rating.
I know, it comes too fast and it is too small to read. I don't understand why they even show it.
If they really wanted you to see the riders rating, it would be in BOLD RED.
So a 4.5 rating for a rider would mean they would never be picked up.
I just don't think Uber is in the business of turning down revenue.
Perhaps there is some legal reason that the riders rating is even shown.
I have had the same problem with Uber not responding when I should have received a cancellation fee.
My problem occurred when I was on an UberExpress trip. I waited two minutes for the passenger.
Uber sent a message stating, "if the passenger is not there, you may cancel."
I did and went to the next pickup. Apparently the late passenger complained to Uber and the fee was refunded. I know this because on the trip report I had money from the second passenger but a zero paid on the first.
I wrote Uber and they asked me the for the passenger's name and his destination. I had 21 trips that day and I couldn't remember the name. I certainly wouldn't know the destination.
I told them the time and the fact that I had zero paid on the trip. They should be able to find that pretty easy.
I finally gave up, it wasn't worth the $3.75.
By the way, in Philadelphia the rider is charged $5.00 on a cancellation and Uber takes $1.25.
If you are alone, then I see no problem with talking on the phone. It should not be a loud distracting conversation.
If you are in an UberPool then I agree that it is really rude.