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Uber GPS and Changing Routes. Deathly afraid and could use a tip

{{ ratingSum }}
221 Rider Driver
 Posted 6 years, 3 months ago

I’m a new(ish) driver and I could use a tip.

I am deathly scared of deviating from the suggested route displayed on the Uber GPS. I’m afraid of messing up the upfront pricing. I’m afraid of fares changing inadvertently (and customers being mad). I do get riders who request dropoffs be changed, but I double and triple check with them and warn them of the potential fare changes (almost to a fault).

I never use another GPS like Google or Waze (as many other drivers suggest), but I’m afraid the customer will see different routes than what they’re seeing in their Uber app. 

Are my worrries warranted?


    {{ ratingSum }}
    344 Rider Driver
     6 years ago

    I had two occasions on the same day that caused me to stop using the Uber GPS. In one case the Uber GPS had me going in circles until I put the address into Waze on my personal phone. I found the address right away.

    In the second case the Uber took me around a hotel and onto an entrance ramp to a bridge. The rider was following the GPS also but he saw a sidewalk that led to the front of the hotel. I pulled over and the rider carried his bags to the hotel. Thankfully he was a good passenger.

    I have used Waze ever since.

    At no time has a rider questioned my use of Waze. Before using it, I had passengers asking me if they could use Waze to get to the destination.

    The main benefit you have in using Waze is it tells you of potholes, accidents, police, etc. Google owns Waze so I don't know why they don't include these features.

    If you decide to use another GPS and the ride is cancelled, you will get a cancel message on your phone.

    Watch for it and cancel your GPS trip, other…


    I had two occasions on the same day that caused me to stop using the Uber GPS. In one case the Uber GPS had me going in circles until I put the address into Waze on my personal phone. I found the address right away.

    In the second case the Uber took me around a hotel and onto an entrance ramp to a bridge. The rider was following the GPS also but he saw a sidewalk that led to the front of the hotel. I pulled over and the rider carried his bags to the hotel. Thankfully he was a good passenger.

    I have used Waze ever since.

    At no time has a rider questioned my use of Waze. Before using it, I had passengers asking me if they could use Waze to get to the destination.

    The main benefit you have in using Waze is it tells you of potholes, accidents, police, etc. Google owns Waze so I don't know why they don't include these features.

    If you decide to use another GPS and the ride is cancelled, you will get a cancel message on your phone.

    Watch for it and cancel your GPS trip, otherwise you will go to a canceled pickup.

    I have never deviated from the GPS unless asked. If a rider suggests another route, I take it.

    Generally they know the best way home. If I do what they suggest I won't have a problem. If they are wrong, I won't have a problem. If I don't take the suggestion, I will always be wrong.


    I have had one problem with a deviation from the GPS. A rider asked me to pick up some money from his Father and asked me to go and get the bill changed. Then he gave half of the money to his wife and left the car. She asked me to follow her directions to the destination.

    That night Uber took my fare away because I followed a zig zag route. Fortunately I got it reversed after I told Uber what happened.


    If you do deviate from the GPS, after the ride is over, write the name, time, and destination in your phones notes app. You will need this if there is a dispute.

    You should know how to change the destination on your app. If you don't, Google the method.

    Both you and your passenger may change the destination.

    Be aware that in an Uber pool ride, neither party may change the destination. Even if you have only one rider. Explain that to the passenger.

    Often you will be asked to stop at a store on they way. Let the passenger know that they are paying for the time and they should hurry. You will not make much on the stop, but it may get you a tip.

    If you say no to the stop, then you'll see a bad rating.

    I always stop. The reward to risk is favorable. 

    Good Luck  Lcarpenter.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
       5 years ago

      I never stop and hope for a tip. I don’t care about the Uber rating. I rather have the money.

      On your saying to use Wayze? Do you open a 2 Nd screen and put their address in there? Or how do you do it?

      I basically just use the Uber gps but I know the towns I drive in so I take my own shortcuts and no one seems to care. They are happy to get there.

        {{ ratingSum }}
        344 Rider Driver
         5 years ago  (edited 5 years ago)

        Once you select a different navigation, the second screen is opened for you by Uber and the address automatically placed into the destination. To change the GPS on the Uber app:

        1. I tap on my picture in upper right corner.

        2. Tap on account

        3. Tap on App settings

        4. Tap on navigation

        5.You will have a choice of Uber, Google, or Waze navigation.

        If you select any GPS other than Uber, you must watch for a cancellation text sent to you by Uber

        For example, you are driving to a rider using Waze and the rider cancels, a notification will be sent to the top half of your phone. I am so used to casually watching for it, that is second nature to me.

        By the way, stopping for a rider you continue making money (not much) and the possibility of a tip would make the stop worthwhile. A negative rating takes many trips to overcome. That's why I say risk versus reward favors stopping.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    344 Rider Driver
     6 years ago  (edited 6 years ago)

    You came to the right forum.

    I used the Uber Gps until I had two problems with it on the same day. 

    I currently use Waze because it tells me locations of potholes, accidents, police, etc.

    If you decide to use Waze or Google GPS, keep glancing at your phone if the ride is cancelled. Otherwise you may go to a cancelled pickup location.

    I have never had a rider question my use of Waze. When I did use Uber and the rider used Waze, they sometimes asked me to follow their directions. 

    Here is a very important tip. Always follow the riders suggestions. If you know of a road being closed on the suggested route, let them know. Riders generally know the best way home. I always let the rider decide. If their wrong, we won't have a problem. If their right and you didn't go that way then you have a problem.

    I have read of so many complaints of drivers following the GPS religously and not listening to the rider.

    IF you do deviate from the GPS, then after the ride is over, put …


    You came to the right forum.

    I used the Uber Gps until I had two problems with it on the same day. 

    I currently use Waze because it tells me locations of potholes, accidents, police, etc.

    If you decide to use Waze or Google GPS, keep glancing at your phone if the ride is cancelled. Otherwise you may go to a cancelled pickup location.

    I have never had a rider question my use of Waze. When I did use Uber and the rider used Waze, they sometimes asked me to follow their directions. 

    Here is a very important tip. Always follow the riders suggestions. If you know of a road being closed on the suggested route, let them know. Riders generally know the best way home. I always let the rider decide. If their wrong, we won't have a problem. If their right and you didn't go that way then you have a problem.

    I have read of so many complaints of drivers following the GPS religously and not listening to the rider.

    IF you do deviate from the GPS, then after the ride is over, put the time, destination, and the persons name in the notes app on your phone. This is what you will need if there is a dispute.

    Don't worry so much about fare changes. The rider has been given an estimate. If you encounter traffic and are following the GPS you won't have a problem. Uber knows your the route you took. If you deviate from the GPS by the riders decision, you still could have a problem but you have it recorded it in your notes.

    ....... I have had one problem in 3800 rides by deviating from the GPS and used the riders directions.

    ........The ride was a zig zag route and Uber took the fare from me. It was resolved because I knew the

    ........time, destination and riders name and the fare was restored.

    Destination changes should be made by the rider. You can also change them if the rider doesn't know how.

    If you have to make it just pull over somewhere and do it.

    If it is a POOL ride, THE DESTINATION CANNOT be changed by either party. Even if you have one rider in the car.

    If you don't know how to change the destination, google the method. You should know this technique, most riders don't.

    One problem you will discover, is a customer will want to stop on the way home. Let them know they have to hurry because they are still on the ride. Be aware that the time stopped is not particularly rewarding to you because it doesn't pay much, but it may get you a tip for the ride. If you refuse to stop, no rewards will come. 

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    {{ ratingSum }}
    810 Driver
     6 years ago

    Riders do not generally care which route you take and will most of the time let you decide. Use Waze 

    you are not obligated to follow uber GPS which sucks. Upfront pricing is not your worry. Intake people from airport and will take turnpike for longer than GPS suggests as it adds maybe a minute or two to the trip but less hassle to be bouncing around in traffic lights. Passenger just cares to get to their destination safe and in good time. If you go longer that upfront pricing the price passenger pays usually does not change Uber will just eat it while you still get paid time and distance. So do not stress out for that at all. You are in this gig to make money for you.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 221 Rider Driver
       6 years ago

      Good tip. Thank you.

      I keep reading about how Uber is "making up" fares in the name of upfront pricing and to secretly steal what should be a surge fare from the drivers. So I feel if I deviate from the original route, the fare calculation gets wanky.  

      though, it looks like I would be helping my customers if the fare does end up changing, because if I changed the route and the fare had to be recalculated, it would be under an honest distance/rate charge Uber should be charging always.

      I do stress the customers thinking I took a longer route though. I suppose that shouldn't happen as long as I am using a decent gps app.

        {{ ratingSum }}
        810 Driver
         6 years ago

        Many passengers openly insist Waze is used for GPS as it updates real time with traffic, etc and re routes around accidents, etc.

        I had a lady in car who asked?! If I use Waze for GPS when she got into the car.

        i answered Yes, turns out her intent was to guide me entire 1 hour long ride  with her barking instructions to me from back seat using Waze in her phone, (if I was not using Waze)

        No wonder her rating was 3.6 ;)