Leonard Girsh (lguirch)
Ride Apprentice from Southampton
80 DriverActivity
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Depends on various factors. if you endup in some remote place, I would use fare pilot app to see if they suggest any spots where driver can go for a better chance of getting a ride. Also at this point you want to have both apps running (Uber and Lyft) and on Lyft you can see if there are any scheduled rides on that you can scoop up near by (does not happen often), but worth checking. Figure out if there are any smaller airports in the area (the ones without a que) Download FlightStats and see what times flights land there perhaps this is where you want to head over, same for Amtrak and Greyhound theiy have their own apps to check status. If all else fails, get out of there and head towards a busier area even if it takes 30 minutes to get there
Uber does not go out of their way to match a good passenegr to a good driver - Uber will start looking for the closest available driver, regardless of each other's rating (my driver rating is 4.91 and I get ride requests sent to me all the time with all sorts of passenegr ratings), I ofcourse ignore the ones that are in the neighborhood of 4.70, etc, so it then goes to the next closest avaialble driver and so on until one hits Accept and gives you a ride:)
On your next several trips, pay the driver a cash tip, does not have to be large, do not make your driver wait for you for 5 minutes, do not slam car doors or trucnk, do not leave trash in car and your ratings will jump up very fast:)
I believe Uber has 4 hour max for passenegr in the car
and Lyft has a 100 mile cut off, though I had taken a passenegr 135 miles out to MD on Lyft
Agree 100%, I too ignore requests from passengers with score of 4.7 for exactly the same reasons.
To get anything lowe than a 5.00 form a driver, a passenegr must have really deserved it. I wish uber also allowed 24 hours to rate the passeneger, like Lyft does as I would take the time and leave a lower score for the non-tipping passenegrs. On uber the rating has to be done right away and passenegrs sometimes tip after the ride is over.
I only get my feedback emailed to me on Fridays from Lyft, not sure if there is a way to actually see it real time form the app itself
If for example a driver just dropped off a passenger. Now is good time to turn both Uber and Lyft appswhile waiting for the next fare.
For example a ride request came through on lyft (like a shared ride with a pick up 15 minutes away), many drivers will choose to ignore such request and let it expire in hopes of anohter request coming in shortly after for an Uber X or a Lyft with only 2 minute drive for the passenger.
I get similar nastygrams from Lyft occasionally, but all they can do is complain. We are contractors and are in this gig to make money not charity work to drive 15 minutes to get to the passenegr, wait for that passenger anohter 5 minutes and then drive them a mile away for a $3.75 total pay.
If we were full time employees for these services I understand we would have to chase every ping, but until than both Uber and Lyft can go pound sand and we drivers will choose what rides we want to take and which ones to ignore :)
Simply by accepting a trip we do not see destination
By accepting a ride a driver still does not know the destination unless he asks a passenger (which drivers should not be doing) or when the pickup has occurred and driver hits start trip on Uber.
on Lyft Driver will see destination when he hits Arrived
With Taxis I think the driver is in more danger as robbers may potentially think they carry cash.
A cab can be ordered through a payphone.
Uber/Lyft are ordered through a phone using an account and tied to a credit card, plus it is a cashless system.
Other than a few idiots that harmed rideshare drivers in recent past: a dumb girl who stole a machete in Walmart and stabbed a driver, and idiot (ex taxi company owner or taxi driver) that bought a gun, ordered an Uber through his phone and then shot and killed his driver while stopped at the light, such incidents are not frequent. I suspect rideshare driver job is not nearly as dangerous as taxi drivers.
Dashcam is also a good deterrent
I am a driver registered in Philadelphia, I picked up a passenger in Willingboro NJ area in the middle of this month on Lyft and took him to Colombia MD. Got rear ended in PA on way to MD, reported it to Lyft who said once I drop passenger off in MD my account will be locked until I send them pics showing car is ok. After drop off I turned uber on in hopes of getting a passenger or two on a destination filter to help me get closer to Philadelphia. Like you app told me that I was not allowed to pick people up in Baltimore. I drove on I83 towards Lancaster closest way for me to get to PA. Called uber and was told Baltimore is not one of the networked cities to Phila registered drivers. They told me most of larger cities in PA like Erie, Wilksbarre etc are in my netwonrk as is NJ and DE.
i suggested they at least allow driver from non networked markets be at least allowed to use destination filter so system would match us up with passengers going into my market. Do not match me up with passengers needling to go within non networked market.
same thing happens when i take people to JFK I then have to backtrack empty until I get across bridge into NJ as NY is off limits for me.
destiantion filter option if Uber implements it with ability for me to collect a passenger landing in JFK to take them back to PA market would be ideal as I would love to grab a ride back to PA with a passenger in a car instead of empty. Same would go for NY drivers who sit in JFK que, pick up a passenger take them to PA and are now stuck having to backtrack to NJ until they can get a fare. This will cause drivers to start declining to take passengers far out of their markets in fear of having to add dead miles into car on way back. Let us do other market’s dirty work ;)
so anyway uber said you can change your city registration if you feel being associated with another city will benefit you financially.
If I am a Philadelphia registered driver and pick you up in Phila, and take you to NJ over a toll bridge (even though there is no toll into NJ) we get paid toll to allow us to get back into our registered home market.
not sure who actually pays it passenger or Uber themselves but we get paid for that.
i once drove a passenger from Phila to NJ got paid toll $5.00. Once I dropped that passenger off I got a request to pick a passenger up in NJ and take them to Phila and got another $5.00 toll from thy ride. This happens rarely.
Inkmow it sounds fishy but now imagine the following scenario.
i take you into some city where it cost nothing to get into. Drop you off, but in that city I am not allowed to pickup and passengers and it costs $15.00 to get back into my home market. I am now driving for free for maybe 30 minutes and pay all the tolls out of pocket. So I think it is reasonable we get at least some tolls paid to help us het back to area where we can pickup passengers again .probably should be paid by Uber/Lyft themselves not passenger if passenger actually did not cross any tolls. As it will then screw the passenger who maybe gets hit with toll both ways if he gets driven one way by driver from one market and back home by a driver from another. Like I said I am not sure if it comes out of the passenger but we do get tolls paid.
would be curious to hear from passengers as I do not take uber Lyft as a passenger since I am a driver ;)
I find it strange that a passenger would cancel without telling the driver "i will get off here" or something like that.
Then the driver would slide the complete trip icon and all would be good, as drivers get paid time and distance thus GPS would know where the actual drop off happened.
I heard of these scams of cancel before the tolls but never had one happened to me as I am part time driver.
I am registered in Philadelphia, every time I take someone to NJ that passenger automatically gets a $5.00 toll added to their bill (for me to get back to my home market) even if I decide to drive back over a free bridge.
First time I hear that someone did it in the middle of the tunnel (is it even permitted to drop someone on the side of the road like that)?
You can fly on Frontier of Aligiant to Trenton NJ, flights are really cheap, then hop on a local NJ transit train that will take you to NY.
I do not hit compete ride before they come out of the car. Occasionally I will get a talker who just wants to tell me about their life story and can go on after we arrived so I keep the meter going until they exit. This is a good practice in case someone exits and realizes they need to go up further. I too always ask passengers if “here is ok”? To make sure I got them where they intended to go.
Also, a good idea to call or text the driver just to make sure.
If I remember correctly once I too had to circle a block and system assumed I picked up the passenger and started driving in the direction of their destination (thus activating the trip) where all I was doing is circling a big block
I know on Lyft some drivers hit Arrived before they actually arrive (this will show us your destination) and this is the moment some unethical drivers cancel.
Not sure what happened in your case, but I had a few instances where a passenger waiting for an uber will jump in an Uber that he thinks is coming for him. Especially if the vehicle type is the same as they one that was coming for you. It doe not happen much to me as I am a part time driver and work in a much slower market than where you are and my car is not that common as say a black suburban.
You would be surprised how rarely passengers will actually look at the license plate.
Thing is if driver did accidentally get a wrong passenger and started the trip, the passenger will probably notice they are bing driven to the wrong destination and cancel the ride so driver will have to let them go. that is if the passenger does not cancel and re-request and get the same driver which is a hit or miss in busy markets (despite driver sitting next to you) :)
That is why it is a good idea for drivers to ask the passengers "may I have your name please"? to make sure they are picking up the right passenger
Sometimes people are trying to schedule a ride an advance for a larger vehicle like for 6 passengers. That particular vehicle type may not be available while a regular car is schedulable;)
Unfortunately driving is being treated as a commodity especially by younger folks, who think exactly that we are paid to drive and tipping is not necessary.
i once drove a lady who works in one of the chain hair cutters joints. Somehow the conversation went into tipping, etc. she told me that when people tip her a dollar or two she feels like they spot her in face and she feels like throwing the tip back at the client. I asked her what would she consider a good tip and she said 5-10$. She must be out of her mind I though, a joint that charges $18 to cut hair is not going to generate such tips. I asked her why she feels she deserves such high tip vs 15-20% that waiters typically get. She went on to say that waiters do not deserve more than that as they did not go to school V.S. what she did. Strange and twisted mind she had, oh and she did not tip me either;)
when I give someone a long ride and help them with luggage as well as keep them entertained keeping up with their stories while safely driving them to destination and they do not tip, I leave a Lower rating. Perhaps when this passenger starts experiencing longer wait times as other drivers will start ignoring their requests due to low rating passenger thinks to start tipping ;)
A Passenger once told me that Tips come out as two separate transactions (one for trip and one for Tips).
Also, since I am driver and do not use passenger mode, does a Tipping screen come up right after the ride ends on Uber (like it does on Lyft in big letters) for passengers or there are a bunch of other Uber screen Uber splashes into passenger's face prior to tipping screeen coming up? Lyft passenegrs tend to tip better and I suspect it is becasue of the way Lyft passenger app is designed to throw tipping screen into passenegr's face right after the ride
Had a pickup once in a snowstorm requested at 7-11. Showed up and did not see passenger. Called her she started yelling asking me where I was. Turned out she dropped pin at wrong 7-11 (I showed up at the pin). Had she not yelled and told me to “get the hell over-here” maybe I would have driven 8 min to scoop her up at the location she was at, but I politely told her I will be right there. Waited at my current spot until passenger did not show up fee was collectable and moved on;)
Had to politely tell the passenger that he can't get there form here once.
I was on Lyft destination filter heading home. Got a request and figured it will be good to pick up the passenger to reduce deadheaded miles. Picked him up, started the trip and noticed that his ultimate destination was indeed close to my house, BUT he also had a stop planted 40 minutes away, prior to the drop off, so that would add an hour and half to my trip. Strange that Lyft would match us up where I clearly entered my destination (they can't assume I will be willing to drive around for anohter 1.5 hours prior to drop off). Suchs for the passenger as he waited for me to get to him for 10 minutes only to be told the ride can't happen as I had somewhere to be at a certain time and this was a Destination Filter ride that somehow got dispatched in error