Does it matter?
Would you rather be tipped in the Uber app or in cash?
Posted 6 years, 7 months ago
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Jill Macintyre (drwife46)
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Always cash.
I actually feel there's a movement of Uber passengers that go out of their way to pay by cash. I feel like that's increased, even though it's been a while since Uber introduced the tipping feature.
I welcome it but I'm curious as to why.
Is it in hopes of getting a better rating? Is it because they think Uber will take a cut? (Which they don't)
I always thought it was for a higher rating. and yes, they are right.
definitely about the satistfaction of seeing the happy faces of rideshare drivers.
or they just wanna gloat.
definitely about the rating.
Cash is king, and I know that the person really did tip. (unlike the false promises from riders promising to tip in app)
My default passenger rating is 4* unless they tip in cash, and once we drop off and rate, we can't change our rating.
both :)
Cash if you have it but if it is a matter of a larger tip via the app or a smaller tip in cash then definitely the larger in app tip.
Cash is always better...
Cash please. Reasons should be obvious. But, I know a lot of pax don't carry cash around or just plain don't want to deal with it. If they want to tip through the app then whatever. I'll take it!
In the app, Uber doesn't take tips, just makes it easier.
A Passenger once told me that Tips come out as two separate transactions (one for trip and one for Tips).
Also, since I am driver and do not use passenger mode, does a Tipping screen come up right after the ride ends on Uber (like it does on Lyft in big letters) for passengers or there are a bunch of other Uber screen Uber splashes into passenger's face prior to tipping screeen coming up? Lyft passenegrs tend to tip better and I suspect it is becasue of the way Lyft passenger app is designed to throw tipping screen into passenegr's face right after the ride
It comes up right away on the same screen as the star rating. And it has a few preset options for different % amounts. So it's just a one tap thing. It is very easy.
And yes, it gets charge as a separate transaction on the card from the fare.