Ride Apprentice
Posts by ryanLarson
In what states are the license plates also in the front of the vehicle? This is sort of important to find your Uber driver, yes?
Girls' Night Out Version [Ryan is Driving]
I Drive For Uber- Here Are Some of My Crazy Adventures [Ryan is Driving]
Uber finally hired a CFO, after a three-year hunt [Recode]
So you are telling me they didn't have a CFO this whole time? Since 2015? When Uber CFO Brent Callinicos …
I thought they were getting destroyed since the beginning of the pandemic. They don't have LyftEats, so I don't know how they are making any money.
I think you misspelled Ivy schools.
I have a feeling people are confusing part-time jobs with gig workers. or "flexible hours" to gig workers.
...or is it that people are just using "gig workers" (the big buzz word) to describe more things now. Yeah, I think taht's it.
This one too
Lyft's Fast-Slumping Stock Quickly Leads to Investor Lawsuits
Snap Inc.’s IPO honeymoon in 2017 gave way to investor lawsuits within 10 weeks. With Blue Apron Holdings it was just seven weeks.
For Lyft Inc., whose stock has tumbled sharply since its March 28 launch, it took less than three weeks for disillusioned shareholders to sue the company over claims they were taken for a ride.
Monopoly in the Middle East now. I thought there was a good thing going between Uber vs. Careem, but there goes that.
This reminds me of the joke, "if you want to stop an AV from going anywhere, just draw a circle around it."
Driver cancelling on you seems to happen a lot at airports. I am not sure about them turning off the phones, but they often make an excuse and tell me to cancel and request again for a quicker pickup. I am sure most riders won't ask questions and just do it, but it's rather annoying.
Are they judging our destination or something? I don't see why they do this.
No, you cannot. Not sure why you would want to.
Here's one way. You can turn on WiFi while on Airplane Mode. So do that, and connect to a nearby wifi spot. Then you can call Uber.
I don't drive for Lyft (or anyone) but do these feedback come from Lyft or does it come directly from a passenger? I see some screenshots here, but I don't quite get it.
I think that'd be the case in every industry. I mean, can you imagine?!
I just checked mine and it's 4.78, and I really though I was an impeccable passenger.
I did hear somewhere else that overall passenger rating is much lower than driver ratings. We pax does not seem to get the automatic 5s on regular rides. Working off of a tighter tougher curve.
I honestly thought all Lyft users were Uber users.
or maytbe they are but the expectation is slightly different on Lyft?
yes, do the math. F150 at best gets 20mpg in a city driving. 50,000 miles a year. That's 50,000 / 20 = 2500 gallons, which at $3.00 is $7500.
Comparatively, a Toyota Prius at 58mpg? 50000 / 58 = 862 gallons, which at $3.00 is $2500.
That's a $5000 a year difference.
No, I haven't seen this, and that's total BS. Where are these being posted?
I normally do like stops that exceed 5 minutes. I would recommend handing over at least a $10 bill before the stop and if you go over the 15 minutes maybe giving a little bit more? We are losing money while stopped.