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Accident after been dropped off at Incorrect Location

{{ ratingSum }}
 Posted 5 years, 6 months ago


I ended up having an accident a few weeks ago after been dropped at the wrong location. Long story short, I have concussion, cuts and bruises on my face, legs and hip area. It looks at face value that it was just an unfortunate accident.I have no memory because of the concussion so relying on other people for information.  I was out for dinner and drinks with a mate and my phone died.  She booked our Uber trip on her phone, she thinks I must have entered the destination incorrectly. Even what Autocorrect I would literally have to enter the first 3 letters of the street where we were dropped off. Anyways we ended up at this address, my friend said I was having a disagreement with the Uber driver so he dropped us both at this address. This would have been approx 12.26am. My friend said it was more just an exchange of words, nothing heated or shouting etc but she can't tell me what it was about. Logically the only reason I can think of is that he was going towards this random location and I was not happy. I had a fall (to the best of my knowledge) at one of the properties where we were dropped off. My friend had left at this point and i'm thinking I went to get someone to help with a taxi home. Again this is all me just putting the pieces together. My friend has another Uber trip at 12.37am from where we were dropped off to and address which is less than 5 minutes away by car. This was not at the same house number where we were dropped (she was picked up at house number 31, we were dropped at 33) . She had obviously crossed the road and got the Uber from there. It was also a different Uber driver. She said she phoned them and that they said "…



I ended up having an accident a few weeks ago after been dropped at the wrong location. Long story short, I have concussion, cuts and bruises on my face, legs and hip area. It looks at face value that it was just an unfortunate accident.I have no memory because of the concussion so relying on other people for information.  I was out for dinner and drinks with a mate and my phone died.  She booked our Uber trip on her phone, she thinks I must have entered the destination incorrectly. Even what Autocorrect I would literally have to enter the first 3 letters of the street where we were dropped off. Anyways we ended up at this address, my friend said I was having a disagreement with the Uber driver so he dropped us both at this address. This would have been approx 12.26am. My friend said it was more just an exchange of words, nothing heated or shouting etc but she can't tell me what it was about. Logically the only reason I can think of is that he was going towards this random location and I was not happy. I had a fall (to the best of my knowledge) at one of the properties where we were dropped off. My friend had left at this point and i'm thinking I went to get someone to help with a taxi home. Again this is all me just putting the pieces together. My friend has another Uber trip at 12.37am from where we were dropped off to and address which is less than 5 minutes away by car. This was not at the same house number where we were dropped (she was picked up at house number 31, we were dropped at 33) . She had obviously crossed the road and got the Uber from there. It was also a different Uber driver. She said she phoned them and that they said "this was a trip that they(Uber driver) put on her account by accident". On her app there was a charge for this trip. At 12.54am there was a trip she got home at 31 again going to her home address. But there is not charge on this trip. My accident happened and ambulance was phoned at 01.10am. 

I have a few questions to try and work things out, as my gut feeling is that there is something more to this and at the very least the Uber driver did not follow his basic duty of care.

1. If the Uber driver cancelled our trip early and dropped us at that location, would it still show my home address as the destination (If I did in fact enter my home address) or would it show where we were dropped

2. Any reasons why my friend logically would be charged for this "phoney trip" but not for her actual trip home

3. Is it even possible for Uber to enter that by accident

Thanks for reading, any help would be appreciated

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    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    Drunk or not, rideshare rider or not, no driver should be dropping two women off at a random address just because they pick a fight (especially if they've had a few).  Putting two women alone in an unfamiliar place in the middle of the night is just serving them up on a platter.  

    My questions are 1) why did your friend take off without you? and 2) why can't you just ask her to show you her uber app to see what address was entered?  

    Unless you actually did mistakenly put in the address where you were dropped, assuming you put in your correct address, you certainly may have a claim against Uber for its driver's negligence which resulted in your injuries.  But question #3 is what kind of accident/fall was it?  If you were assaulted, there may be a case.  It sounds like you tripped and fell, in which case proving you wouldn't have tripped if you'd been dropped off at the right address will be a harder sell (though you could certainly argue…


    Drunk or not, rideshare rider or not, no driver should be dropping two women off at a random address just because they pick a fight (especially if they've had a few).  Putting two women alone in an unfamiliar place in the middle of the night is just serving them up on a platter.  

    My questions are 1) why did your friend take off without you? and 2) why can't you just ask her to show you her uber app to see what address was entered?  

    Unless you actually did mistakenly put in the address where you were dropped, assuming you put in your correct address, you certainly may have a claim against Uber for its driver's negligence which resulted in your injuries.  But question #3 is what kind of accident/fall was it?  If you were assaulted, there may be a case.  It sounds like you tripped and fell, in which case proving you wouldn't have tripped if you'd been dropped off at the right address will be a harder sell (though you could certainly argue you are familiar with your own neighborhood and would not have stumbled).  Either way, you would need some solid witnesses to piece it together better since you don't have any personal memory.  Merely saying your friend left you and you were healthy and twenty minutes later you were in an ambulance does not tie it closely enough to Uber to show any "but for" causation.  

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    {{ ratingSum }}
    1072 Rider Driver
     5 years ago  (edited 5 years ago)

    Basic duty of care?  I think you fail to grasp the core difference between a RIDESHARE driver and a TAXI.  

    A taxi is a regulated public utility, and subject to many legal requirements and restrictions.  Requirements vary by jurisdiction, but generally, because they're a public utility, taxis are painted in a specific way to denote that their drivers are well vetted.  Because they're a public utility, they are allowed to pick up people hailing an unscheduled ride on the street.  Because they're a public utility, their drivers are required to help with your luggage, and to transport you to your destination.  This is why taxis cost more.

    A rideshare is nothing more than a carpool service.  Rideshare drivers are very loosely vetted, they're not allowed to pickup street hailed rides, and they're not obligated by law to assist you with baggage, etc.   If you're in an argument with someone you're catching a ride with, they&#3…


    Basic duty of care?  I think you fail to grasp the core difference between a RIDESHARE driver and a TAXI.  

    A taxi is a regulated public utility, and subject to many legal requirements and restrictions.  Requirements vary by jurisdiction, but generally, because they're a public utility, taxis are painted in a specific way to denote that their drivers are well vetted.  Because they're a public utility, they are allowed to pick up people hailing an unscheduled ride on the street.  Because they're a public utility, their drivers are required to help with your luggage, and to transport you to your destination.  This is why taxis cost more.

    A rideshare is nothing more than a carpool service.  Rideshare drivers are very loosely vetted, they're not allowed to pickup street hailed rides, and they're not obligated by law to assist you with baggage, etc.   If you're in an argument with someone you're catching a ride with, they're under no obligation to continue transporting you. 

    If you were drunk and belligerent and picked a fight with the driver, they're totally within their right to put you on the curb and terminate the trip.

    On your questions:

    1.   I don't know.  The passenger and driver apps are different, and as a passenger I've never been ejected from a rideshare before, so I have nothing to reference.

    2.  I don't see how a "phoney" trip could have been ordered and cancelled.  Uber is app driven.  There is nobody in an office that could manually order a trip.  That would have to have been ordered on your phone.   Perhaps it was one of those things that you "don't remember?"

    3.  Enter what by accident?  (See #2 above)

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    Show Hide  3 Replies
      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 20
       5 years ago

      Firstly I wasn't drunk and beligerent. It was a disagreement according to my friend and if the Uber driver had taken a scenic route or going the complete wrong direction. It stands to reason that I would be disgruntled. I don't remember because I was knocked unconscious and lost my memory. The trips were booked on my friends  phone which is why I am asking these questions. Just because someone had a few drinks does not mean that they lose all rights to be treated with respect or the same decency as anyone else. But that's pretty much the tone of your whole response

        {{ ratingSum }}
        1072 Rider Driver
         5 years ago

        Ok.  You weren't drunk and belligerent.  You just went out for drinks, don't remember anything, and part of what you "don't remember" was the details of the fight you picked with your driver that caused you to be thrown out of his car.   MAKES SENSE.  

        FWIW, your rights don't supersede the right of the driver, and, in fact, the driver has MORE rights than you do because all this transpired in their vehicle.  

        Count this as a lesson learned to not pick drunk fights with others.  That rarely works out well.  

          {{ ratingSum }}
          OP 20
           5 years ago  (edited 5 years ago)

          Excuse me but dont judge me. I dont remember because I was knocked unconscious and had a head injury. My friend told me I had an argument with him. Dont be so condescending and self righteous to people you know nothing about.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    So sorry to hear this... So shocking!

    {{ ratingSum }}
    148 Rider
     5 years ago

    1. If the Uber driver cancelled our trip early and dropped us at that location, would it still show my home address as the destination (If I did in fact enter my home address) or would it show where we were dropped

    Technically the driver cannot "cancel" a trip.  He or she can "Complete the Ride." Wherever you were dropped off, becomes the new end point of your trip. So the short answer is yes.

    The original destination you entered will still be a part of the request.  You should be able to look it up in the history.  I am pretty sure about this, but I haven't had this happen to me, so I am not sure.  I think the basic rule is that everything is logged with Uber, so I am sure you can look this up. Ask your friend to look in her app.  In fact, tell her to look at the receipt in her email.

    2. Any reasons why my friend logically would be charged for this "phoney trip" but not for her actual trip home

    The "trip" you will be ch…


    1. If the Uber driver cancelled our trip early and dropped us at that location, would it still show my home address as the destination (If I did in fact enter my home address) or would it show where we were dropped

    Technically the driver cannot "cancel" a trip.  He or she can "Complete the Ride." Wherever you were dropped off, becomes the new end point of your trip. So the short answer is yes.

    The original destination you entered will still be a part of the request.  You should be able to look it up in the history.  I am pretty sure about this, but I haven't had this happen to me, so I am not sure.  I think the basic rule is that everything is logged with Uber, so I am sure you can look this up. Ask your friend to look in her app.  In fact, tell her to look at the receipt in her email.

    2. Any reasons why my friend logically would be charged for this "phoney trip" but not for her actual trip home

    The "trip" you will be charged for whatever the route your Uber driver took unfortunately.  If the driver went in the opposite direction and dropped you an hour away, you will actually be charged that price.  This is to make it convenient for customers who prefer to either change the ride or to take a different route. (How often did you start a ride, but you wanted to go somewhere else or be dropped off sooner.  ...or wanted the driver to drive around the block.)

    3. Is it even possible for Uber to enter that by accident

    Not sure what you mean for thi sone.

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