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All Rideshare Drivers in California are now Employees

{{ ratingSum }}
17 Driver
 Posted 5 years, 11 months ago

As you all know Uber, Lyft and other Gig economy Companies have been sued several times for misclassification and for the last 4-5 years Both these companies have done everything they can to stall and evade being ruled that they have Missclassified their worker's .

Each time they stall and settle out of court so that no Judge can make a ruling.

 Then last May of 2018 the California Supreme Court ruled in the Dynamex case that all workers in the state are employees unless they can pass the ABC Test, which neither one can pass.

 At this point Both companies were either given bad legal advice, or didn't listen to it. Because the next day both companies should have changed the status of their Driver's to employees.

 By ignoring the Courts ruling they just added perfect evidence of Willfull misconduct subjecting them both to new added pentalties and damages,

 Now California Bill AB5 has just passed committee by a vote of 5 to 0 Yes and will very soon be the law.

 The passing of this bill will make it so that Uber and Lyft can not avoid and stall anymore. Also this new bill come with not only Civil Pentalties, but also Criminal Pentalties if not followed .

So now as I await my payment for more than $25k from one of these two companies if you want to learn how to do what I have done and bypass the BS Arbitration and get a ruling in your favor in less than 6 months instead of 2 or more years contact me at

[email protected] and for just $10 I will show you what you need to do to get back the money these guys owe you, plus if you no longer work for either one of these companies, I will also show you how to file the paperwork with the correct department at the California Unemployment Department and get your benefits paid to you.

I did it and was awarded $6,800 

Let's make um pay!


    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    I smell a scam...

    "[email protected] and for just $10 I will show you what you need to do to get back the money these guys owe you, "

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 17 Driver
       5 years ago

      This is no BS. I have spent weeks researching all the laws related to Lyft and Uber's Independent Contractor Scam they have been pulling on millions of Driver's all over the world.

      What they are basically doing is first setup the Terms of Service so that once their Driver's realize after a few months that they are getting screwed, they try to look into suing for missclassification.

      But what they find is they are not allowed to file suit and think they have to go through Arbitration.

      Well like I said after weeks of researching Arbitration laws, Labor Laws, Civil Laws, I have found a way to get around the Arbitration areement and setup a very good offense to throw at Lyft (In my case it's against Lyft) and then just about every tactic they may throw at me, I have an answer to show they are not only in the wrong, but will fully in the wrong.

      Because of all the hours I have spent doing basically the same job as a Paralegal. So yeah I think I'm entitled to a little reward f…


      This is no BS. I have spent weeks researching all the laws related to Lyft and Uber's Independent Contractor Scam they have been pulling on millions of Driver's all over the world.

      What they are basically doing is first setup the Terms of Service so that once their Driver's realize after a few months that they are getting screwed, they try to look into suing for missclassification.

      But what they find is they are not allowed to file suit and think they have to go through Arbitration.

      Well like I said after weeks of researching Arbitration laws, Labor Laws, Civil Laws, I have found a way to get around the Arbitration areement and setup a very good offense to throw at Lyft (In my case it's against Lyft) and then just about every tactic they may throw at me, I have an answer to show they are not only in the wrong, but will fully in the wrong.

      Because of all the hours I have spent doing basically the same job as a Paralegal. So yeah I think I'm entitled to a little reward for my time and trouble. 

      I mean for $10 I'm saving people several weeks of time researching laws and procedures needed to follow if you want to get around what Uber and Lyft want you to do, and what you can do to bypass their BS and force them to play the game by the rules that override their rules..

       If after using my information to get what's owed you by Lyft and Uber, I got no problem refunding you 10 bucks.

      Read less...

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    Now drivers will start complaining about how they lost their contractor benefits. Tax benefits for example. 

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 17 Driver
       5 years ago

      What kind of benefit is it when you have to file Quarterly, and keep track of and try to find as many write-offs as you can plus pay for your Soc Sec. When you can have Uber or Lyft do it for you and it becomes their responsibility.

      Plus you can now charge them $.545 cents per mile that they have to pay you each week for the use of your car for their business.

      A few years ago I was a Dell warranty repair Tech. And each week I would get paid $150. -$200 for my expenses On top of my $600 a week work pay.

      Being an employee and still using your car is a win win if you need to make more $.