I have been the only Uber driver in my town for around 9 months. I just found out that a new driver started this week (even though she is telling passengers that she isn’t new and that the app ride count tracking is wrong, but that’s just an oddity I wanted to note) and decided to look on the passenger app to see what part of town she was covering. I have noticed that she comes and sits by my house (where I wait for rides) and follows me around town if I leave my house. I know in bigger cities there is no way to tell which car is which, but with only 2 it’s easy to tell she is following me trying to snipe rides, find the “hot spots”, or whatever it is she thinks she is doing. Is this against any kind of Uber rules? It makes me feel very unsafe that this person is coming around my house and following me around the city....
Can Another Driver Follow You?
Posted 5 years, 7 months ago
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Laurissa Goodman (Lg116907)

Ride Apprentice from Ohio
Only the Best
Only Uber driver in my city for 9 months
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How was it being the only driver around? Do you have to wait long for rides usually? Do you just wait around at home with the app on? Do you ever get surge pricing?
Surge pricing? 😆 you would think two or three pax ordering rides would create a 4x surge, now with two drivers surge is gone.
There’s never been 2 or 3 people to order at the same time 😂 I might get 2 people when the bars close, but even those aren’t on top of each other.
It’s not busy here at all even though I’ve handed out flyers, posted on bar bulletin boards, posted on our community news site, etc. to get the word out and it’s technically a college town. I usually get 1 or 2 rides a day and that working 8a-3a 7 days a week. Yes, I sit at home and wait for rides unless I get an order on one of the other gig apps I work. I’ve never seen a single surge pay since I started last September lol.
I may be over reacting:) but you ard concerned enough to put a post up. Go with your gut (instincts). If you think something isnt right dont brush it off.
Strange, I have never heard of this happening. Does she ever drive off unexpectedly (ie: she got a ping and you didn't). Uber favors new drivers, unfortunately.
Sorry this sucks.
Yes, I have seen her drive off toward a village on the outskirts of town a few times even though I was technically closer (by a block at most lol) And I figured it wasn’t something that happened often because there’s usually more than one or two drivers in an area but I was still hoping there was a policy somewhere about it.
That's creepy as hell. Even if she is just trying to snipe rides, I'd be tempted to call the police. There is probably some stalking law that can be put into play here.
I would definitely contact Uber. Not sure they will do anything but it is definitely worth bringing to their attention. This type of behavior is very odd and you would think they wouldn't want those types of drivers on their platform.
Contact UBER? Good luck on that and tell them what? I just lost my monopoly in the town? For Uber fresh meat is always welcome.
I don't think it's really Uber's problem TBH. I would recommend calling the police if you are concerned for your safety.
I dont think its against the TOS. We are IC's we can come and go where we please. No law or rules where we sit and wait. However if you feel unsafe, threatened, or stalked you should contact the police. How does she know you drive for Uber and where you live? Do you know her personally? This sucks I get it but unless she does something physical or threatening I dont think there is anything you can do. It is annoying, aggravating, and a little creepy. She should find her own area, research her market, etc... but instead she chooses to be lazy. I dont put the Uber or Lyft stickers on my car unless I absolutely have to. Not for your exact issue but I just prefer people dont know what I am doing. I think your only option is the police. Dont mention she is there to steal rides or find out where to drive as police will think its on the petty side (not saying it is). Inform them you keep seeing this woman show up everywhere you go . You are uncomfortable and afraid she may be up to somet…
I dont think its against the TOS. We are IC's we can come and go where we please. No law or rules where we sit and wait. However if you feel unsafe, threatened, or stalked you should contact the police. How does she know you drive for Uber and where you live? Do you know her personally? This sucks I get it but unless she does something physical or threatening I dont think there is anything you can do. It is annoying, aggravating, and a little creepy. She should find her own area, research her market, etc... but instead she chooses to be lazy. I dont put the Uber or Lyft stickers on my car unless I absolutely have to. Not for your exact issue but I just prefer people dont know what I am doing. I think your only option is the police. Dont mention she is there to steal rides or find out where to drive as police will think its on the petty side (not saying it is). Inform them you keep seeing this woman show up everywhere you go . You are uncomfortable and afraid she may be up to something. Dont mention you drive for rideshare unless they were to come right out and ask that question. Act as though you feel she is some possible crazy lady stalking you. Try avoiding bringing up Lyft/Uber driving, stealing rides, etc... I hope she goes awsy and leaves you alone. Let us know how you make out. This is just weird I would be somewhat concerned if I had someone go to that extreme. How old is she?
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I’m guessing she is looking at the Uber passenger app to see where I am, and since I’m usually sitting at home waiting for rides that’s where she comes to. I don’t know her personally at all and I’ve only physically seen her a couple times, she looks to be mid-20s or so. Like I said, there’s only 2 of us in my city so it’s easy to tell from the passenger app that it’s the same person always following after me.![]()
This is a screenshot of one of the times she came around. I turned my app off hoping that she would go away, but she still came right to where my car icon was and sat for 10-15 minutes. When I go to Kroger over in the middle of town she goes there too. It’s just weird. I don’t know if she thinks I’m getting all the rides and she’s following after me trying to get some, but there just aren’t any in this city, like I get 1 maybe 2 a day max. I’d be fine if she’d just find her own places …
I’m guessing she is looking at the Uber passenger app to see where I am, and since I’m usually sitting at home waiting for rides that’s where she comes to. I don’t know her personally at all and I’ve only physically seen her a couple times, she looks to be mid-20s or so. Like I said, there’s only 2 of us in my city so it’s easy to tell from the passenger app that it’s the same person always following after me.![]()
This is a screenshot of one of the times she came around. I turned my app off hoping that she would go away, but she still came right to where my car icon was and sat for 10-15 minutes. When I go to Kroger over in the middle of town she goes there too. It’s just weird. I don’t know if she thinks I’m getting all the rides and she’s following after me trying to get some, but there just aren’t any in this city, like I get 1 maybe 2 a day max. I’d be fine if she’d just find her own places to sit or stay at home like I do, but I have serious issues with her following me or sitting outside my house where my kids are. I was hoping it was something Uber could handle with a simple text or phone call saying that’s against the rules, stop doing it, but I guess that’s not going to be possible. I hate to call the cops because I feel like they’d think I’m overreacting or that I’m crazy (we don’t have the best police force here 🙄) but if it continues much longer I definitely will.
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I read the OP, being the only driver in a town is crazy. How small is this town? Legally, I'm not sure there's much you can do as long as she's on public property. Ethically, it's wrong but she'll probably eat into your pings since Uber will feed the newbies the sugar to get them going, they'll turn it down after a month or two. If you think 2 drivers is oversaturated, come to Los Angeles where there are 8 cars on each corner on each platform.
It’s a town of about 20,000 people but a lot of people have an older mentality. Most people around here will call a cab and wait 2-3 hours for one without even thinking to try Uber or Lyft. I’m not too worried about her taking my business as most of my customers are regulars and will cancel on anyone that’s not me 😂 they don’t trust new people easily. I don’t think it’s oversaturated per say, I just know there’s not really a need for one, much less two. I don’t have a problem with someone else working it, as I’m hoping she’ll take the 2 hour+ trips that make up 30-40% of my pings, I just don’t want her hanging around my house or following me around. Like go find your own business creeper 🙄
You have a monopoly, wow. 😆 Uber can't have one but you do. It's an amazing story, do you drive for both platforms? I should interview you for an article, I'm serious, I write for the most well known blog in the country RSG and Rideguru.
I’d hardly call 1 or 2 rides a day a monopoly 😂😂😂 more like the cab company here has one, it’s the only one in the area and, as I said, people will wait 2-3-4 hours for a ride. And yes, I drive for both Uber and Lyft. I’m not sure why it’s that “amazing” lol.
It is especially how your business is going to get affected with the new driver in town. One cab and now two Ubers serving a community of 20k people is a monopoly. 😆
I get you font want to call the cops but its just weird that she is doing this. Go around the damn block or somewhere close. You never know she could be a problem. I would call the police dont mention anything about Uber just say she keeps popping up at your house, supermarket, etc... you are uncomfortable as you dont know her if it comes up you both drive play dumb just say "i never connected it to that". Its really weird that she stays so close to you. Again go around the block. There are 2 of you your house isnt the "it spot" that Uber only sends request there:) You have kids dont take any chances. If she was a reasonable adult she wouldve approached you and said " hey just started driving noticed you drive to was wondering if you had good spots" whatever you get my point. She went as far as to watch rider app and follow you sorry but that screams possible stalker or crazy. At the very least its definately odd. Better safe than sorry too ma…
I get you font want to call the cops but its just weird that she is doing this. Go around the damn block or somewhere close. You never know she could be a problem. I would call the police dont mention anything about Uber just say she keeps popping up at your house, supermarket, etc... you are uncomfortable as you dont know her if it comes up you both drive play dumb just say "i never connected it to that". Its really weird that she stays so close to you. Again go around the block. There are 2 of you your house isnt the "it spot" that Uber only sends request there:) You have kids dont take any chances. If she was a reasonable adult she wouldve approached you and said " hey just started driving noticed you drive to was wondering if you had good spots" whatever you get my point. She went as far as to watch rider app and follow you sorry but that screams possible stalker or crazy. At the very least its definately odd. Better safe than sorry too many sick people out there. Worse case scenario she spills to cops that she was just trying to get rides. Keep close watch on her. If you have dash cam keep it in her direction if in car just sitting. I would keep track of times, dates, and places. It seems extreme but until you know her motive for sure dont take those chances. People are capable of evil crap nowadays. She lies to riders all ready. If you can find out her name do some digging on her. Fb, twitter whatever. Just think she went through alot of trouble for a few uber rides. Not trying to scare you but unfortunately we live in crazy world with crazy people capable of anything and everything. Just be careful see what you can find out first at the very least. Dont just ignore it. I still think you should mention to police. I assume you live in small town? Give police something to do:) Again not trying to scare you or make you paranoid but I'll say it again. Better safe than sorry. Approx how long has she been driving?
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She’s telling riders that she’s worked for Uber all over the country for a long time but her account says she’s been driving for 4 days, so I guess it depends on who you believe lol. The only way I could see the app being wrong is if she got deactivated previously and started a new account or something along those lines.
Best of luck. Be careful!
My advice: TALK TO HER.
When you see her parked, pull up and talk to her. Find out what she's up to. Maybe you can work out a "your side of town/my side of town deal if you're both online.