Surge Club, news all over main stream media, is it possible that a few drivers can manipulate the surge?
Can drivers manipulate the surge? How do you avoid the surge as a passenger?
Posted 5 years, 6 months ago
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Sergio Avedian (Uberserge)
Ride Apprentice from Los Angeles, CA
Blogger, Podcaster, Active Rideshare Driver/Coach
Active Uber/Lyft driver in Los Angeles, contributing writer for Rideguru and RSG (The Rideshare Guy), podcaster, rideshare driver coach, independent consultant to rideshare and tech companies.
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Can Uber drivers really manipulate the surge?
I thought Uber didn't even have surge pricing anymore? Isn't all just like one upfront fare?
Uber has surge multiplier pricing for the driver in Los Angeles, most cities are on flat rate surge for drivers. There's definitely surge pricing for the pax like before but they won't tell you what the multiplier is like before, they'll just tell the passenger it's busy for up to 1.8x and very busy for everything above that.
They will charge the pax 2x let's say and pay the driver a small bonus like $3 on base fare and keep everything else for themselves.
So you dont really think this happens? I mean it definitely has happened in some locations but you think it is blown out of proportion?
In the old days, it used to be easy to pull it off sonce there weren't so many cars, nowadays it's almost impossible, read the article I wrote in the Rideguru newsroom.
Totally blown out of proportion and sensationalized by the media. Uber and Lyft are very much guilty of the same thing themselves.