Can I book Lyft a week in advance?
The Guru Take
Yes, you can book a Lyft 7 days in advance.
Lyft does allow passengers to book their ride up to 7 days in advance. For instructions on how to book your Lyft ride in advance check out this article: How To Schedule Lyft Rides in Advance.
RideGuru market data & operations expert
I believe you can. It will just send out the request right before you need it.
I run a company called Sitbaq which is a reservation ased service in California (SF Bay Area). We assign you a driver that is dedicated to the ride. If you like the driver, you can assign him as a favorite driver and request the driver again.
If you are in the area and want to try it you can just download the app from the Apple or Android app store and sign up. You can also use promo code SB10 for $10 off your first ride.