Do Uber and Lyft use GPS and trip/route information to resolve disputes between drivers and passengers?
The Guru Take
Yes, they absolutely can. The GPS/route information is often used.
Yes, Uber does track and record the vehicle movements while the trips are on their way, and they do use this information to settle disputes.
The trips are reviewed against GPS data, for example, when;
- When drivers complain about tolls not being reflected in the final invoice. Uber customer service can review whether a toll road or bridge was taken. (and subsequently pass the charge to the passenger.)
- When the passenger claims that the driver didn’t end the trip when he or she got out. (Crooked drivers sometimes do this to make extra money.)
- When the passenger claims the driver took off and started the trip without him or her in the vehicle.
- When the passenger claims a longer and more inefficient routes were taken by the driver in attempts to charge a higher fare.
- When the passenger claims the driver was not making an effort to get to their destination in hopes the passenger would cancel the trip. (sometimes the drivers prefer to not take the trip after accepting.)
The route information and how they are stored and can be reviewed are all included in the terms of use of the Uber App, and this applies to both passengers and drivers.
Uber Driver, CEO of TaxiFareFinder and Unleashed, LLC
One of advantages of having a GPS enabled mobile-app solution. One reason taxis became obsolete.
Before people start complaining about privacy and how evil Uber is, let's thank how much safety and accountability this technology has brought us all.