I don’t allow anyone in my car with food nor I’ll do a crazy In & Out run with a pax. My car my rules!
Do you allow passengers eat in your car? Have you done a fast food drive through with a passenger?
Posted 5 years, 7 months ago
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Sergio Avedian (Uberserge)

Ride Apprentice from Los Angeles, CA
Blogger, Podcaster, Active Rideshare Driver/Coach
Active Uber/Lyft driver in Los Angeles, contributing writer for Rideguru and RSG (The Rideshare Guy), podcaster, rideshare driver coach, independent consultant to rideshare and tech companies.
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I dont usually care although I dont get many that do. I used to get drunks who wanted to go through Drive Thru and found some lettuce and poppy seeds on the seat. Grabbed a wipe not the end of the world. One night a drunk guy got in and I didnt see him with any food. He smuggled a slice of pizza in the car:) Thankfully I got out to check something in the back seat that another passenger left in here. There on my seat was a half eaten slice if pizza. What drives me crazy is when riders leave their empty coffee cup, water bottle, or gum/candy wrappers in my pockets. Hand me the crap I'll get rid of it if you are too lazy but dont stuff it in my pockets.
Exactly, then the next rider dings you for a dirty car. It's to check everything when it's busy and they're stacking pings.
No food or drink, hard rule! I have people trying to convince me all the time but I am not willing to take the chance. Plus even if it doesn't spill it always scents up your car.
One time I had a family that wanted to get in my car with a toddler eating a popsicle!! The were so angry when I turned them away as their kid is literally covered in a sticky mess dripping popsicle every second. I said "Feel free to see if the next driver wants to take you but I am not letting that in my car"
Bravo, I wonder if all the people bring food in to our cars would do that in their own cars ir better yet into a cab. After all, what's UBER a cab with an app.
right, no one in the right mind would let a toddler with a popsicle into the car. I was so thrown off I didn't even think about the fact that they didn't have a child seat either. Some people really shouldn't be parents'
Double whammy, melting popsicles and no car seat, automatic 1*
I have had a driver yell at me for eating trail mix before. I get not wanting riders to eat pizza or burritos but dry trail mix seems a little extreme.
Trail mix could be messy but if you shared maybe I would let it go?
Back in my early days of taking Uber I once brought a pizza I had ordered into the car, I didn't eat it in the car but still...
I feel guilty about it to this day haha
Did you share? Sharing is caring!
no, I should have given the guy a slice. Im the worst 😔
No tip either? 1* 😆😂