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Drivers canceling too many rides at the airport. Uber cracking down by blocking drivers.

{{ ratingSum }}
86 Driver
 Posted 6 years ago

Did you know Uber drivers can be banned from picking up (and additionally dropping off) at airports? This can happen

It's been a big issue where drivers were cherry picking their rides from the airport. They'd continue to cancel the rides if it's a shared ride or they realize it being too short (for those of you who can see) etc. etc. Canceling doesn't make you leave the queue, so drivers started getting used to it.

Well, here you have it.  a Permanent block.


    {{ ratingSum }}
     4 years ago

    Is there any way to reopen airport

    {{ ratingSum }}
     4 years ago

    Is there anyway to re-open it

    {{ ratingSum }}
    1300 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

    That's been going on forever, it's up to the algorithm to take airport privileges away. Happens in clusters, not sure picking up at airports is as lucrative as people think these days anyway.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    If I’ve been permanently banned from Uber airport trips what is my recourse is there anything I can do? I did not cancel any airport out trips for six months even though I was doing daily airport trips weekdays. Then in one week I cancelled one or two for good reasons. I had an appointment to a doctor  in the south end of city. I could not take a trip to the north, etc. The 2nd one had a good reason. I though no cancels in over six mi this would have bought me some good will or slack but I was suddenly without recent warnings or suspension permanently banned from airport trips. I find I can get trips into the airport but not out. Is there an appeal process. Is the fact I was recently paid for my participation in two class action lawsuits against Uber a factor in why I was treated so harshly?

    Show Hide  2 Replies
      {{ ratingSum }}
       3 years ago

      Just got banned from the airport.  My issue was that if a passenger wasn't ready with their luggage I would cancel.  Anyways have you have any success getting airport privileges back?

      {{ ratingSum }}
      1300 Rider Driver
       5 years ago

      No appeal process, but you can try to go to your local hub and explain your situation to ha human instead of dealing with multiple e-mails.