This one time I picked up a fare that was an older gentlemen and this 20 something girl who was drunk out of her mind. The guy kept telling me to jsut drive around 4 a bit & while I was doing so he kept trying to convince the girl to come bakc to his place - mind you she is so drunk she could barely walk. I finally had enough of this prick so i started ignoring his requests to drive to his address and asked the girl directly where she lived after a few minutes I was able to get an address out of her, I plugged it in and drove her there (though made suer to stop a few houses a way so the guy wouldnt see right where this girl lived) and then I drove the guy home. it was a $70 fare & I am pretty sure I got a 1 star review but at least my conscious was clear!
Drunk girl trying to be taken advantage of
Posted 8 years, 3 months ago
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Chris Green (CTG07)

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A bit confused by the title. For one, how can you try to be "taken advantage of." If you try, you aren't being taken advantage of?
wait, me too. i thought the story would be about a girl who was intentionally trying to hook up with driver or something.
...or are you blaming her for being drunk and not knowing where to go? (hence *trying to be* taken advantage)
Sorry, English has never been my strong suit :(
I have problem with the phrasing of this. This girl was certainly not trying to be taken advantage of. No one does. I feel like this puts the blame on the girl.
In fact, no one can intentionally be taken advantage. If someone is trying, then he or she automatically isn't. Ha!
We need more people like you driving for Uber!