Ride Apprentice
Posts by ScarySamantha
My Uber driver just accepted a Lyft request while still driving me. LOL
I totally saw it. The guy wasn't even embarassed when I caught him doing it and I pointed it out. … -
Are Uber drivers known to keep the meter running (after the ride)? Do they? and how?
I have problem with the phrasing of this. This girl was certainly not trying to be taken advantage of. No one does. I feel like this puts the blame on the girl.
In fact, no one can intentionally be taken advantage. If someone is trying, then he or she automatically isn't. Ha!
You know what. I do see your point. As long as there’s no neglect in maintaining their vehicle, I agree I shouldn’t blame the driver.
There was a thread elsewhere about the car running out of gas. What about that.
While I have empathy for the driver, but you wouldn’t expect that to be a 5-star ride, would you?
Aren't there free charging stations everywhere these days? Like at grocery stores and corporate office parking lots. I always see them, and I assumed they were free. So keep charging it at other people's places and you'd be all set. no? Free fuel? I mean, Uber drivers can be anywhere, right?
An automatic one-star would be if the driver couldn't do ONE thing he is supposed to do. Get me to my destination and safely.
All my Uber trip has successfully gotten me to the destination, but I would assume this isn't always the case. Say in an accident or the driver getting pulled over. or run out of gas or break-down on the way.
Automatic 1-star.
I'd love to try but I am afraid I will get into trouble or that I wouldn't be able to change it back.
This should be the commercial for Uber Bird
Wait, I didn't even know this about those rental programs. So you are saying that they reimburse you for the difference if they don't get you enough rides?
Doesn't this mean Lyft will prioritize you to get your more fares? ...over other drivers? Is this some conspiracy stuff or does everyone know this?
Just to be clear, this is Lyft not Uber. Maybe readers got bored clicking on Uber drivers did X, so writers turned to Lyft drivers did Y.
They should implement this for the driver first. itll be easy. Just piggy it back with the identity check, the selfie checker. Just breath into the sensor on the phone.
Valid point, but I feel like I should be warned. I do'nt like it how it gives me no choice. The guru above says 8 to 10 minutes, but it's vague and it only applies in certain cities. So how will I ever know?
wait, does it warn me?
Long pickup fees are scary and unfair for riders. I will never know how far the drivers who accept my requests are. The app shows how long the estimated wait time is but it doesn't know for sure until I actually submit the request.
This means that the app may say 5 minutes, but if someone from 10 minutes away accepts, I can get screwed with pickup fees.
I do it but I hide it. I mean, it's a total breach of trust. We are having a chat and heaven forbid my phone says, "Turn left in 200feet." Gasp! So embarassing. (And it's happened to me before.
This is a tough one, because you don't know when you are being called to when you accept a ride. The same is true with the destination as Uber no longer displays it on the app. (and the passenger can always change his or her mind.)
Perhaps only working during the days may be best if you are worried.
Maybe Fasten employees can be driving the plows. They are out of jobs by tomorrow.
Also Bridj drivers.
Hey, they are still looking for jobs. Check out the job openings.
Leaving this here
Is Uber the new Tinder? Love and sex in the car pool
Yeah? UberXL is UberX. It just has an extra L on it.
Uber SUV is... like UberBlack SUV. Uber Black XL, if you will. OK, I may just have confused myself.
It's more to do with when there is a sudden "surge" of rider requests and the driver supply cannot keep up with it. So, it can happen anytime anywhere...whenever this scenario occurs.
So it can happen at events like sporting events, conventions, etc. not so much to do with the times.
This makes sense. So as long as my name is on the insurance, it's cool, right? So between families, it's no problem then.