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Hello,As an Uber / Lyft driver, how do I cancel a trip once I realize it's to...

{{ ratingSum }}
16 Rider
 Posted 8 years, 3 months ago

Hello,As an Uber / Lyft driver, how do I cancel a trip once I realize it's too far, rider is too drunk, too many people and luggage to fit or any legit reason? Do I just end the ride by choosing drop passenger off, or is there a special way to do this?Thanks,Frank

The Guru Take


    {{ ratingSum }}
    324 Rider Driver
     6 years ago

    If it's before the trip starts, simply cancel the ride on the Uber's app.  I can't accentuate this enough to newer drivers.  If you approach the customer, and if you see anything wrong or if you are uncomfortable, DO NOT PICK UP and CANCEL.  Use your instincts.  Plus, canceling before the trip simplifies things, users won't get nearly as mad, and pax may not be charged anything.   Your acceptance rate is the only thing that will be dinged, but that's okay.

    The customer won't be able to leave you a negative review either. 

    If you had started a ride, yes, just Complete the Ride, and ask the pax to get out.  This will most likely get you a negative review, but if write Uber Support, they can reverse or eliminate that review.  I have done this many times.  Some successful and some not.

    but I assure you, it's better to be safe than sorry.  A few one-star review is better than dealing with horrible customers.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    189 Driver
     6 years ago

    Gosh, guru.  Such a long-winded answer to a simple question.

    Yes, just COMPLETE THE TRIP.  Yep.   Then YELL at the passenger to GET THE H*LL OUT.  LOL.

    Yes, you will get dinged with a one-star, if the drink has the coordination to do so.