Ejike E (EjiEzeEze)
Ride Apprentice
324 Rider DriverActivity
Posts by EjiEzeEze
Why does the Lyft driver app ask you if your car has leather seats?
Uber drivers are like step-dad?
Rider Scam - Claiming I picked up the wrong passenger.
I am afraid this is getting more and more frequent, where the passenger later claims that they never took the … -
Retrieving lost items. Shouldn't Uber and rider pay for distance and time driven? Rather than the flat $15?
I feel like this happens at least once a month. A rider would leave something in the car, usually a … -
Naughty Riders. How creative they get to save a few bucks. New scam.
Here's a new PASSENGER SCAM that I suspect is happening. Imagine a rider who has a fairly large group and … -
Europe and Asia will beat US to the autonomous vehicles. They actually have plans.
Their governments are enacting legislations around the deployments as well as testing of autnomous vehicles, while US continues to fumble … -
Uber drivers striking now. Monday in NZ
Taxi drivers striking is not distant memories. I find irony and perhaps just plain feel bad that now Uber drivers … -
What is the average trip distance for an Uber or Lyft Ride?
Uber Driver Ratings used to be 3.74. This douche says we need to bring them down.
Have you ever wondered the hyper inflation of Uber driver ratings? They are all at 4.7 or higher. and 4.5 … -
What is Careem? Does it compete with Uber?
Featured Answers by EjiEzeEze
I'd love to roll as never picking up underage passengers EVER, but I highly suspect I have been driving them. If they have an Uber account, they are supposed to be 18. None of my business...right?
This happens more than people (non-drivers) think, I bet. At least once a month.
You learn so much as a driver. Everyone has his or her own story. It makes me ponder about the complex world we live in.
Yeah. This is pretty fluffy. I think readers know this?
Putting the price aside for a minute, the reality is that riders won’t be happy that you are going against the expectation set by the app. There will be many unhappy passengers. That’s reality.
I see your point though. If you keep doing this, the word will eventually get back to Uber and if they lose ridership as a result, it’s in them and their pricing.
How has the response been?
There are a bunch of articles here about booking a ride in advance. Try searching on the site for “scheduling a ride on Uber.”
I supposed your liability would be limited as you successfully completed the ride and safely took the passenger to the designated destination.
Maybe a courtesy call to the police, and leave an FYI?
that whole bit about being a "technology company" instead of a "transportation company."
Well, that dream died with the covid pandemic.
I feel like they have tried this before. Like Hertz, Getarouns, HyreCar... are they even around?
I did grab a huge bag of goodies at Walmart and have been handing them out to my riders. My wife warned me I may get wrappers all over the car, but only one tiny piece was found.
Faith restored
Definitely not. Clothing too uncomfortable to be a full-time Uber driver.
I see what Lyft is trying to say, but their stance is heavily arguable. They make it sound pretty but st the end of the day, they are trying to play with the supply and demand to their advantage. They’re bullying the drivers and messing with free market.
Right. We have always know this but Uber kept claiming they’re not. (In order to skirt the laws and regulations.)
And now all the taxi companies are gone and we have done a full circle.
We will just end up back being taxi drivers. Uber exploded and now it'll implode back to just a regular taxi company, where the drivers are dedicated full-time professionals.
The concept of rideshare and people driving in their spare time... whatever happened to that?
Free UberEats delivery? There must be restrictions LOL
Even drivers cannot wait for the driverless car at this point.
I totally mistyped my previous message. What I meant to type was:
Maybe the riders don't know that drivers know that they tipped. That's the only explanation this dude never tipped even after some conversations.
I had a repeater I drove over 20 times and not once he tipped. I started to mention about tipping but he never did.
You know what’s funny? I think the riders don’t know whether they’ve tipped or not. Maybe that’s the problem?
Here you go
What garbage. $1B valuation. hehehe.
Yes, I would miss my 2PM naps.
They've been doing this for the last year.
I don't drive XL or Lux. :)
I agree!!
The government's goal is to make driving a full time job, like it was for taxis before. Why the heck would we want to go back to that? I guess it's natural that the taxi market fell apart?
It's a big full circle. We are about to REVERT all the great things Uber has done . I cannot believe California's stance is that we go back to the original crappy taxi system.