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Hyperloop vs Flying Vehicles

{{ ratingSum }}
 Posted 6 years, 8 months ago

Who is on team hyperloop? Does anyone else think we should be spending more resources on innovating the Hyperloop and not so much time on flying cars?



    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago

    ME! I mean how can you not be super excited about the hyperloop when you see things like this!

    Image result for hyperloop world path

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      398 Driver
       6 years ago

      I prefer to not stop at 30 cities to go to Tokyo, thank you.  

      we already have it.  It's called the airplane.  direct and express

      {{ ratingSum }}
       6 years ago

      Ok. That is actually realy awesome! Imagine the world being connected like this sealed

    {{ ratingSum }}
    49 Rider
     6 years ago

    Hasn't the concept of the hyperloop been around for years now, is it really ever going to happen?

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    {{ ratingSum }}
    1072 Rider Driver
     6 years ago

    Both are doomed technologies with no realistic future.

    People can't even drive on the ground.  Do you really trust others to gauge altitude and other flying variables?  If you're walking down the street, will you feel safe with unknown flying cars overhead?  No thanks.  People can't even operate drones.  I sure as hell don't trust them to fly cars.

    For the hyperloop, the concept is neat, but unrealistic.  Proposed costs in California are almost $12 million per mile, (which we know will end up costing 3x as much) and I'm not sure that screaming across the desert at 700 Mph in a windowless pod sounds very safe.  (or appealing)  At that speed, all it takes is a smal earthquake and a small bump can have disastrous consequences.  (Hit a pothole at 10 Mph and you feel it.  Now hit it at 80 Mph and feel what a huge difference speed makes.  Raise your speed to 700 Mph and take a guess what that would feel like)  I like to travel qu…


    Both are doomed technologies with no realistic future.

    People can't even drive on the ground.  Do you really trust others to gauge altitude and other flying variables?  If you're walking down the street, will you feel safe with unknown flying cars overhead?  No thanks.  People can't even operate drones.  I sure as hell don't trust them to fly cars.

    For the hyperloop, the concept is neat, but unrealistic.  Proposed costs in California are almost $12 million per mile, (which we know will end up costing 3x as much) and I'm not sure that screaming across the desert at 700 Mph in a windowless pod sounds very safe.  (or appealing)  At that speed, all it takes is a smal earthquake and a small bump can have disastrous consequences.  (Hit a pothole at 10 Mph and you feel it.  Now hit it at 80 Mph and feel what a huge difference speed makes.  Raise your speed to 700 Mph and take a guess what that would feel like)  I like to travel quickly too, but for long distance commutes you're better off developing a cost effective way to improve air travel speed.  The concorde proved high speed air travel was possible.  We just need to do it more efficiently.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      140 Rider
       6 years ago

      Yes, great insight. I sometimes think these tech devlopers just get so wrapped up in waht is "cool" without truly thinking through the idea with common sense. 12 million a mile is insane and you are right, it will definitely be more in the end. The big dig here in boston (just creating an underground tunnel highway system) was over 24 billion back in 2007! It was only supposed to cost 2.6 billion...

    {{ ratingSum }}
    184 Rider
     6 years ago

    Is Hyperloop or FLying vehicles rideshares?

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      {{ ratingSum }}
       6 years ago

      no.  though we do ride them.  so share them, and voila.