Ride Apprentice
Posts by donbon
Uber escapes criminal charges for 2018 self-driving death in Arizona
The precedent has been set, we are not charging AI for their crimes. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/05/technology/uber-self-driving-car-arizona.html -
Hyperloop vs Flying Vehicles
Who is on team hyperloop? Does anyone else think we should be spending more resources on innovating the Hyperloop and … -
You can no longer book Uber rides inside Google Maps
Looks like there was some type of falling out between Uber and Google. Did anyone ever use GM to book … -
Is Juno cheaper than Lyft?
Are they the same or is there any differences?
Sure, it might not be PERFECT, but no situation is perfectly safe in this new covid world. We have to stop over thinking and analyzing every little situation.
Does the person who doesn't have insurance get in trouble?
This article says that there was over 100 complaints of sexual assault from Lyft riders in just one state!
Taxis are always driving around with their windows down 😰
Where do they state this surcharge is supposed to go again?
I mean does this really happen? And if you were a driver whose ride was cancelled why would you keep driving the same way?
Terrible... 😂
Weird that only some colors are illegal... seems like one of those odd laws like "in Kentucky you can't ride a horse backwards while wearing a sombrero" 😂
Thanks for this information,
With the feds raising the interest rates, I heard now is not a great time to buy stock, but because I spend lots of money with Lyft and I believe in them, I will take the risk of investing and becoming a share holder. Nice way to get some of my money back.
So if there is a cap on rideshare workers will some of these people protesting lose their jobs?
Do we get free rides home too?
Wow, this is so depressing.
"Mr. Singh, who is 62, owes about $6,200 a month on the taxi medallion he bought in 2000. "
Over 6k a month! That is 3 times my mortgage.
I find it strange that they can tell exactly which ride is their billionth, I mean how accurate can that really be? Did the billionth rider get a prize?
Remember that old U – seems so dated now.
It's oddly like something out of a horror film...
Wow, this is so depressing on many many levels. What are we becoming? The fact that there are now places charging $30 just for people to take pictures of themsleves so it LOOKS like they are having a good life is unreal... I truly cannot quite wrap my head around this yet.
Did you go in? I bet it is so strange for you to see such a familiar location turned into this. How odd.
Interesting, makes sense!
Is this for real? Sorry friend but your just not gonna win this one. This is the risk you take with Uber, or any taxi/car service for that matter. s*** happens!
Can this happen just from plugging your phone in to charge?!
I once got into a mardi gras car where the women gave us all beads, had karaoke ready, candy, and of course streamers and window clings. Very strange but also pretty awesome.