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I am a Uber driver, Where I can see the customer ‘s review ?

{{ ratingSum }}
3 Driver
 Posted 5 years, 11 months ago


    {{ ratingSum }}
    810 Driver
     5 years ago

    Customer's rating will display on the screen during ride request. Look at how many stars the passenger has when the request comes in. On Uber this information is also available after you already accepted the ride, Lyft hides that info from what I noticed once the ride is accepted. Many more 5 rated passengers came out of the wood work on Lyft all of a sudden. All those low rated Lyft passengers overnight became stars agaian, because Lyft decide to loosen the rules how long they keep the low ratings. Many drivers used the passenger ratings to not accept low rated passengers, but now they all became superstars overnight:)

    Show Hide  1 Reply
      {{ ratingSum }}
       5 years ago

      The customer's rating is not what the o p asked. He asked about the "review", which I interpret as the rider's review of the driver/experience. Op  might want to do clarify, but if I am correct, the driver cannot read any particular rider's review/rating.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    622 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

    Doesn't that appear on the ride request page?

    {{ ratingSum }}
    622 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

    Just remember and perhaps go reference the training Uber gave you.

    Oh, right there isn't any. LOL.