Drivers - do you have any experience with this? Do women get paid less per hour than males?
I saw in the news that female Uber drivers make less than males?? What's up with that?
Posted 6 years, 11 months ago
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This article says:
Men do account for more accidents than women, but they also drive significantly more.
So, to measure accordingly, we can divide # of accidents by total miles driven. Men are responsible for 348 accidents per 100 million miles and Females are responsible for 416 accidents per 100 million miles.
So... sorry. Women do cause more accidents.
348 vs 416? That is a pretty significant margin.
Like we really need more women drivers on the road.
well we all know uber pays females less and treats them like crap. why not make it the case for drivers too!
it's not that they make less per hour than males. that's called discrimination
THIS MAKES ME SO MAD. people always say women are such bad drivers but that is not true at all!!! sorry i care about my passenger's life and don't run through yellow lights!
99% of women drivers could not drive if their life depended on it
This article says women are better drivers, one of the reasons being that they control and limit distractions. It says nothign about motor skills.
i saw this article on the topic. This is what it says the reason women make less.