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I think my Uber driver is in trouble

{{ ratingSum }}
189 Driver
 Posted 4 years, 8 months ago


    {{ ratingSum }}
    1300 Rider Driver
     4 years ago

    Nah, you're mistaken, that's UberBoat, they are going nationwide with it. If it sinks, you can always count on UberSubmarine. And once you surface, UberHelicolter will rescue you.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      669 Driver
       4 years ago

      On-demand services will be so pervasive that we will have Uber Coast Guard soon. No worries at all. 

      Just make sure your phone is charged. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
    236 Rider Driver
     4 years ago

    Could also be a flying car. I wouldn't worry about it.