My Uber driver didn't match the profile in my app? What do I do?
The Guru Take
Do not get in the vehicle. If you are already on, instruct the driver to stop, and get out. Call authorities if you feel threatened.
For every trip, your Uber app helps you recognize the vehicle and driver you ride with. After your ride request is accepted, your app displays your driver's name, vehicle make and model, and license plate number.
When you notice that your driver and the vehicle do not match the profile on the app, do NOT get in the vehicle. If you are already in, stay calm, instruct the driver to stop, and to let you out of the car. It could be a simple mistake by a Uber driver of another passenger, but it could also be someone with bad intentions. When in doubt, call the authorities.
Some drivers are up to no good. Imagine these cases:
- The driver is a real Uber driver, but he or she is driving a different car than the one registered.
- The driver's friend is driving with his account and vehicle.
Both of these are not permitted by Uber. Do not get in the vehicle and contact Uber immediately. Here's the link:

As a driver and passenger, I'll answer briefly, never get into a car that does not comply. Take care of yourself, be careful.
I would never get in a random Uber
Definitely do not get in the car if the car does not match the one in your profile! There have been a few instances of people pretending to be Uber drivers just to mug whoever gets in their car!
This happened to me once! Someone tried to pick me up but their car didn't match the one in my app, they said they were using their wifes car but I didn't get in...
When I was using 2 different cars for Uber/Lyft. One night I changed the car in the Uber app but forgot to change Lyft. My 1st 2 female riders never said a word. I assume because a. they just cared about getting ride or b. figured I was female had no worries. My 3rd rider who was a guy brought it to my attention by saying "I dont mind but your car doesnt match". I thanked him and showed him in the app after ride was completed that I was telling the truth. I felt like a total idiot and was embarrassed. Unfortunately I did it a 2nd time. Again 1st 2 female riders never said a word. It was another male that told me. I only use one car now so no more issues. Thankfully no one reported me. Both cars were registered, legal, and active so I dont think it would've been a big issue had it been reported. Never ever get into a car that doesnt match what you have on your app.
Did you report them?
No, I know i should have but in the moment I just was focused on getting a ride.