Since 95% of their drivers quit in less than a year, they must have millions of names in their database.
Uber just launched an app to connect temp workers with jobs
Posted 5 years, 3 months ago
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Sergio Avedian (Uberserge)
Ride Apprentice from Los Angeles, CA
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Active Uber/Lyft driver in Los Angeles, contributing writer for Rideguru and RSG (The Rideshare Guy), podcaster, rideshare driver coach, independent consultant to rideshare and tech companies.
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LOL seriously, they definitely sat around in a meeting and brainstormed on how they could make money off of the millions of past uber driver contacts in their database. However, stupid for them to keep it part of the Uber brand. Those drivers quit for a reason, they are not going to want to find another job through Uber.
I honestly cannot keep up with these companies like WHAT ARE THEY?! I swear they switch gears every single day, it is so exahuasting!!
What do they do take 52% of your earnings when they connect you with the temp job:) then after few weeks they are taking 50%. You see Lyft now has a program like Uber Pro? Gotta laugh because of course you have to maintain a 90% acceptance rate. I dont think I ever had 90% on Lyft and never will. The other night got a trip on Lyft 35 min to pick up. Yeah right big fat DECLINE! It was a long trip but no way was I traveling 35 min to get them. At least on Uber 20 min long pick up is $9/$10. Uber has never sent me a request more than 25 min away.