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Polite way to ask drivers not to talk to me on trips after chemo when I'm exhausted?

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1 Rider
 Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

So I take Lyft or Uber to the hospital. I get chemo I'll need for the rest of my life (I can't drive and it's way too long a day and way too regular to get a lift from friends). 

I'm always polite, am always waiting for the driver at the curb when they pull up, always say hello and "so how's your day going? Hope we don't hit traffic, etc." I always tip cash. But during the trip I really want a silent ride. I sometimes talk to drivers if I'm going somewhere fun, but this is hospital treatment. After a five hour IV infusion I do not feel good and I don't want to talk. When they ask how I am, I always answer "I'm okay, but I've had a long day of treatment, I can't wait to get home and sleep."

You would think this would be a cue that I am not up to chatting. Usually they get the hint. But I keep getting drivers who want to talk and talk and talk. Today I had one that kept doing this and I was almost in tears because I was so exhausted and hurting and just did NOT want to talk, but he would not stop. I was giving one word answers and kept saying how much I needed to rest.

I finally said "sorry, I don't mean to be rude but I've had a really long day and I need to rest right now. I don't want to talk." The guy got the message and stopped asking me questions, but when I gave him his tip as I got out of the car he was really nasty and said "Yeah, whatever." He apparently was insulted I didn't want to spend the trip talking to him. 

Why are some drivers like this? And wouldn't picking up someone at a hospital who says they're a patient be a clue that they probably need…


So I take Lyft or Uber to the hospital. I get chemo I'll need for the rest of my life (I can't drive and it's way too long a day and way too regular to get a lift from friends). 

I'm always polite, am always waiting for the driver at the curb when they pull up, always say hello and "so how's your day going? Hope we don't hit traffic, etc." I always tip cash. But during the trip I really want a silent ride. I sometimes talk to drivers if I'm going somewhere fun, but this is hospital treatment. After a five hour IV infusion I do not feel good and I don't want to talk. When they ask how I am, I always answer "I'm okay, but I've had a long day of treatment, I can't wait to get home and sleep."

You would think this would be a cue that I am not up to chatting. Usually they get the hint. But I keep getting drivers who want to talk and talk and talk. Today I had one that kept doing this and I was almost in tears because I was so exhausted and hurting and just did NOT want to talk, but he would not stop. I was giving one word answers and kept saying how much I needed to rest.

I finally said "sorry, I don't mean to be rude but I've had a really long day and I need to rest right now. I don't want to talk." The guy got the message and stopped asking me questions, but when I gave him his tip as I got out of the car he was really nasty and said "Yeah, whatever." He apparently was insulted I didn't want to spend the trip talking to him. 

Why are some drivers like this? And wouldn't picking up someone at a hospital who says they're a patient be a clue that they probably need to be left alone? Is there a better way to handle it? I've thought of leaving a pickup note saying "I really need a quiet ride today. Thanks for understanding." Would that be offensive to drivers?

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    {{ ratingSum }}
    207 Driver
     3 years ago

    Very simple.... Just say you just had chemo.... or that you are really beat and just want some quiet and to maybe get some sleep on the way home.    Or Hi, Do you have something relaxing to play, I am really beat and would like to get some rest on the way home.   If they driver starts to talk say, sorry, I am realy tired, just want to sleep. and smile.    If the driver continues to talk aimlessly, just say you are too tired to engage.   What is so hard about that.  
    !) give the driver a way to make you happy... if he is worth his salt, he will make it happen.
    We just want to make the ride better for you.  Ask for what you want.  No problem.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    524 Rider Driver
     3 years ago

    Maybe get a cheap pair of over-the-ear headphones. Put them on after the initial chit chat is over. You don't have to even listen to anything... Driver will figure it out.