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As a Driver, what were some of your moments when you had to say "I'm just the driver"...

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1602 Rider Driver
 Posted 6 years, 4 months ago

If you've driven your share of rides, I'm sure that you, like myself, have had at least a few occasions where you had to say "hey, I'm just the driver"...  like an experience I had recently when taking a totally unconscious WAY past drunk lady home - only to be confronted by her roommate as though it was somehow MY fault!  LOL  What are some of your stories where you had to say "Hey, I'm just the Uber/Lyft Driver"?


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    8198 Rider Driver
     6 years ago  (edited 6 years ago)

    I had one of those rides:) In my early days before I realized we couldnt drive minors and not to pick up more than 4 people. Yes I wasnt thinking at the time and I do have some blonde moments. Lol I picked up a group of girls only to realize one of them were my daughters best friends little sister. Ok this is going to make me sound even dumber but hell Ill tell it anyway. Just keep in mind it was only my 10th ride maybe I knew the one kid and couldnt just leave her there far (from home and drunk). Make them get rid of open containers little did I know they had a gallon of Vodka and 1/2 case twisted teas. The one girl says she has to throw up. I pull over (Wes and LG PA you will appreciate the area) on Street Rd around Lower Moreland or Warminster police (i think) she falls out the door and is laying on the side of Street Rd puking. Now I discover the alcohol and more open containers they hid. I get rid of open containers lock up rest in my trunk get the girl back in car. Now she opens…


    I had one of those rides:) In my early days before I realized we couldnt drive minors and not to pick up more than 4 people. Yes I wasnt thinking at the time and I do have some blonde moments. Lol I picked up a group of girls only to realize one of them were my daughters best friends little sister. Ok this is going to make me sound even dumber but hell Ill tell it anyway. Just keep in mind it was only my 10th ride maybe I knew the one kid and couldnt just leave her there far (from home and drunk). Make them get rid of open containers little did I know they had a gallon of Vodka and 1/2 case twisted teas. The one girl says she has to throw up. I pull over (Wes and LG PA you will appreciate the area) on Street Rd around Lower Moreland or Warminster police (i think) she falls out the door and is laying on the side of Street Rd puking. Now I discover the alcohol and more open containers they hid. I get rid of open containers lock up rest in my trunk get the girl back in car. Now she opens window and starts screaming at other cars and trying to open door as I am driving. I put child locks on doors and windows. Pull up to her house out comes mom and brother flipping out at her as she is sitting in my car. Finally "I am just the Uber driver". Dropped rest of girls off. Left vm for the ones mom and got the hell out of there. That was lessons learned. 1 through 17 learned that night. After I dropped them off it hit me on what couldve went wrong and how much trouble I couldve got in that night. You dont always think about the issues just trying to get those kids home safe. They were 13, 14, and 15 yrs old. Where their parents thought they were who knows. By doing what I thought was the right thing couldve cost me in number of ways. Dont think police wouldve wanted to hear "i'm just the Uber driver". 

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      33 Rider
       6 years ago

      Where are these parents? You would think the mom would have thanked you with a big tip. You couldve left her and her friends in the street puking

      {{ ratingSum }}
       6 years ago

      Wow, 13 years old are getting that drunk?! Is this common now?

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        8198 Rider Driver
         6 years ago

        Unfortunately it is. Hell 15, 16 yr olds are shooting heroin. My day we started with weed tried many other things but heroun was definately not even considered.. These kids dont play they go right to hard stuff. Its truly sad. Happy 2 of mine are grown never got into drugs other than trying weed. One thing they learned from their deadbeat dad "what not to do". Lol My 2 teens are on computer with their friends gaming all the time. Hated it in the beginning dont care now they are always where I can find them and always adult very close. My one son is ranked in the top 1000 of over 3 mil gamers in a game called League of Legends. Its considered a sport. Top colleges offering scolarships to play the game at college level. There are pro teams also. He wants to go to med school so he can play all he wants lol. He even wins money in tournaments he plays in. Not sure of your age but I am 53 world is so much different now a days. If someone told me gaming could land you a scolarship or pay you 92,000.00 per yr plus tournament winnings 10 yrs ago I wouldve thought they were crazy.  

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    97 Rider Driver
     6 years ago

    I've never used that phrasing before but so often people want my advice. I don't mind chatting but sometimes some heavy stuff comes up and I don't feel comfortable giving advice. It is those moments where I feel like saying "Hey I am just an Uber driver..."