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Posted 6 years, 6 months ago
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Posted By
Monica Castleberry (momof4)

Ride Expert from Philadelphia PA
Mom & Nursing Student by day Ride Share Driver by night always on the go
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"The “scam” goes like this: Over the weekend, Kelly requested an Uber in New York City and was assigned a driver. But the driver never arrived and couldn’t be found at the location shown on Uber’s map. The driver didn’t answer any calls from Kelly and so after several minutes of waiting he gave up, cancelled the trip, and was charged a $10 cancellation fee."
Why is it that everything we do is considered a scam? We get screwed by Uber and Lyft, we get screwed by passengers, then we're accused of criminal acts. WTF?
So you ordered a ride and the driver didn't show up for 10 minutes. Guess what, sometimes getting stuck in traffic requires longer wait times. Is that not a consideration? The driver didn't answer calls from the rider? In Washington touching your phone while driving will still get you a ticket and points on your license. I don't care how important you think you are, I'm not going …
"The “scam” goes like this: Over the weekend, Kelly requested an Uber in New York City and was assigned a driver. But the driver never arrived and couldn’t be found at the location shown on Uber’s map. The driver didn’t answer any calls from Kelly and so after several minutes of waiting he gave up, cancelled the trip, and was charged a $10 cancellation fee."
Why is it that everything we do is considered a scam? We get screwed by Uber and Lyft, we get screwed by passengers, then we're accused of criminal acts. WTF?
So you ordered a ride and the driver didn't show up for 10 minutes. Guess what, sometimes getting stuck in traffic requires longer wait times. Is that not a consideration? The driver didn't answer calls from the rider? In Washington touching your phone while driving will still get you a ticket and points on your license. I don't care how important you think you are, I'm not going to break the law so you can call and demand to know how long I'm going to be, or to listen to you complain because you didn't plan properly and are going to be late for work.
Have patience, and more importantly, have some faith in your driver. If you don't trust someone, why would you want to get in the car with them driving?
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Well said. I am so tired of hearing how awful the drivers are, the scams we pull, the list goes on. Yes there are a few awful drivers that lie and cheat but as in every profession we are not all bad. Just tired of being nice, going above and beyond for what a 5 block trip for 4.00 and 1 star because I wouldnt let you crack open a can of beer while I am driving, or I wont drive your 2 yr old without a car seat, and this list goes on. The backlash will start "then why do I drive for Uber"? The flexibility I need right now and fortunately all riders are not bad. On top of all the negativity and complaints we are not getting paid now. We cant see any our trips. But Uber assures us our "trip info and money is safe with them". They cant even tell us when the problem will be fixed. Think its time to bring back #delete Uber. Guess its time to go on over to Lyft. I dont think my car insurance co, car pymt, utilities want to hear "you have to wait because Uber cant pay me what they owe me". This just gets worse everyday.
Drivers are going to do whatever they have to to maximize their small income. uber needs to understand this. Call it a "scam" if you want but those trips are just not economically viable. I don't blame any driver who does this.
It's a joke. How does he think its fair that the driver who it may take him 10 min to get there on his own time, gas, etc.. for a 3.00 ride. Maybe Uber should considered a premium short distance fee :) I bet his lazy ass would walk the 2 blocks then or if driver gets lets say X short distances trips in X amt of hrs. Uber gives promotion bonus of X $. I also would be willing to bet this dude dont tip.
Uber/Lyft riders are getting DISCOUNTED rides, amenties, cleaner, better smelling cars than they would in a taxi. Some drivers even stop at stores, drive thru's, etc at no charge. I've seen countless taxi's driving in 90 degree hot humid weather with windows down no AC. Dont know if its broke or they are too cheap to run it to save gas. Most instances Its a shorter wait time than taxi.
What do people expect? Too much! If you want something better than as with all things PAY for it. Many riders NOT ALL expect Limo type services while paying Uber X, pool, pool express prices. Limo w…
It's a joke. How does he think its fair that the driver who it may take him 10 min to get there on his own time, gas, etc.. for a 3.00 ride. Maybe Uber should considered a premium short distance fee :) I bet his lazy ass would walk the 2 blocks then or if driver gets lets say X short distances trips in X amt of hrs. Uber gives promotion bonus of X $. I also would be willing to bet this dude dont tip.
Uber/Lyft riders are getting DISCOUNTED rides, amenties, cleaner, better smelling cars than they would in a taxi. Some drivers even stop at stores, drive thru's, etc at no charge. I've seen countless taxi's driving in 90 degree hot humid weather with windows down no AC. Dont know if its broke or they are too cheap to run it to save gas. Most instances Its a shorter wait time than taxi.
What do people expect? Too much! If you want something better than as with all things PAY for it. Many riders NOT ALL expect Limo type services while paying Uber X, pool, pool express prices. Limo will wait for you, stop multiple places, have amenities in their limo, professional drivers, alcohol in vehicle, etc. Expect to pay 150.00 or more (not sure of current limo prices) for a short period of time. Someone PLEASE explain their logic to me why we are expected to provide those things for a 3.50, 10.00, 25.00 etc ride? Then after all that we get rated with stars. One star because we dont let a rider drink alcohol, pile 7 people in a 4 seater, someone doesnt like our air freshner. My 2 favorites gets annoyed when we have to pick up additional pool riders or just wants a free trip and makes something up. Someone gets annoyed with limo driver and few people complain they may get told about but I am sure they dont lose their job. What was the original question?lol Sorry I'll get off my soapbox. Appreciate if you read this through (: I dont know to be short once I get going. 😊 Have a great day all. Be careful out there and be safe😊
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Short rides on uber are a problem that uber needs to figure out. They are way too cheap. Pax should be incentivized to use uber for longer trips imo. maybe they need a penalty fee for really short trips or something.
I agree cant tell you how many rides i've driven longer than 7/9min. Only to have a 3.00/4.00 trip. Its so not worth it for the driver. This express pool is even worse. Trip comes up as pool doesnt let you know express until you accept. I try and stay away from pool but i do accept a few especially with new app. Print is small and if I am paying attention to road, GPS, and riderI dont have time to be reading screen with the small print now.
This guy supposedly spent $33,812 on Uber rides. I'm curious to know how much he spent tipping his drivers over the course of those rides.
"In 2018 alone, I forked over $33,812 to Uber through my business account.”
Wowza. This guy ubers.
Yes sometimes 2 whole blocks lol.
Holy cow, how do you rack up such a high amount with Ubers insanely cheap prices?