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TRYP. I am sure many of you remember TRYP Influencers posting here in the forum. They have gone LIVE in Orlando FL. Here is what we know so far.

{{ ratingSum }}
8198 Rider Driver
 Posted 5 years, 6 months ago

Most of us on the forum probably remember the TRYP Influencers trying to get drivers to sign up with this new rideshare company.  Most of us if not all felt this company was a scam and for good reason. I still wouldn't give them money to this day. I try to keep current with what is going on in the rideshare industry. I've seen multiple negative videos, comments, and articles about this company. The only positive was from the company itself or the "influencers". I came across a video by one the Ubertubers on You Tube, by Kevin The Apptrepreneur. Everywhere TRYP advertises they claim the Driver keeps 100% of the fare. A driver sent Kevin a breakdown of what TRYP sent him. I will post screenshots after my comment. Apparently TRYP was taking $2.00 from the fare. Yes, I get it is only 2.00 but isn't that how Uber & Lyft started with the booking fee? Last summer booking fee for Uber X was 1.90 in my market. By the fall I was seeing 2.00, 2.10, 2.25 then it would go back to 2.10 then it would increase again. All my trips depending on the day would fluctuate until finally it is now 2.50. No notice nothing. I contacted Uber 3X for an answer. We all know how that went. Why is TRYP taking 2.00? Is it just for that fare? Does it change on each fare? WTH TRYP 100% is supposed to go to the driver. Isn't the fee the driver pays each month supposed to cover everything? Of course we dont have those answers yet. However Kevin has invited the CEO on his You Tube channel to answer that question and more. TRYP has also adjusted the fees for drivers depending if you want to do 60 trips, 120 trips, or unlimited trips per month (see screenshots below). As I sa…


Most of us on the forum probably remember the TRYP Influencers trying to get drivers to sign up with this new rideshare company.  Most of us if not all felt this company was a scam and for good reason. I still wouldn't give them money to this day. I try to keep current with what is going on in the rideshare industry. I've seen multiple negative videos, comments, and articles about this company. The only positive was from the company itself or the "influencers". I came across a video by one the Ubertubers on You Tube, by Kevin The Apptrepreneur. Everywhere TRYP advertises they claim the Driver keeps 100% of the fare. A driver sent Kevin a breakdown of what TRYP sent him. I will post screenshots after my comment. Apparently TRYP was taking $2.00 from the fare. Yes, I get it is only 2.00 but isn't that how Uber & Lyft started with the booking fee? Last summer booking fee for Uber X was 1.90 in my market. By the fall I was seeing 2.00, 2.10, 2.25 then it would go back to 2.10 then it would increase again. All my trips depending on the day would fluctuate until finally it is now 2.50. No notice nothing. I contacted Uber 3X for an answer. We all know how that went. Why is TRYP taking 2.00? Is it just for that fare? Does it change on each fare? WTH TRYP 100% is supposed to go to the driver. Isn't the fee the driver pays each month supposed to cover everything? Of course we dont have those answers yet. However Kevin has invited the CEO on his You Tube channel to answer that question and more. TRYP has also adjusted the fees for drivers depending if you want to do 60 trips, 120 trips, or unlimited trips per month (see screenshots below). As I said TRYP is live in Orlando & possibly more cities but I dont know which ones. That answer is vague. Would be nice if this company actually followed through with their promises and we could trust them. Right now I am still not handing over my money. 

QUESTIONS for the RIDERS (1. Keep in mind you would probably still be getting an Uber or Lyft driver as your TRYP driver. 2. Drivers still have to pay a fee each month to use the app. Screenshots below. Still have to pay for gas, maintain car, and purchase some type of rideshare insurance, etc...

1. If TRYP was available in your city & rates were either a few $ less or the same as Uber and Lyft would you download the app & use it instead of Uber & Lyft? 

2. Knowing that the driver gets to keep 100% of the fare & how Uber & Lyft treat the drivers would you still use TRYP if the cost was 5% more? 10% more? 20% more? 

3. If you did decide to start using TRYP & knowing drivers get 100% of the fare would you still tip? 

NOTICE DRIVERS KEEP 100% of the FARE is stated everywhere on everything TRYP puts out. So why did they take 2.00? Who knows maybe it was an error? Dont think so but I will give them the benefit of the doubt for now. Lets see if the CEO comes on Kevin's channel or at the very least responds to the video. Drivers, what are your thoughts? 

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    {{ ratingSum }}
    1300 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

    Can you spell MLM?

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 8198 Rider Driver
       5 years ago  (edited 5 years ago)

      I know right. I feel bad for these people that bought into their BS. One guy signed up 8 people apparently got money on 6 but noticed he didnt get any $ on the other 2 so he emailed TRYP. They sent him back an email saying sorry this happened we will refund your $. He wasnt asking for a refund just the $ for the 2 drivers he signed up. So they probably are paying a few hundred out to each influncer and then screwing them. We had 2 influencers on here so basically a few of us said it was a scam. I got into with one of them. He got so frustrated, couldnt answer my questions, then came up with some stupid answers  it was kind of fun. Lol Most of those influencers did get mad when people said it was a scam. Why would you hand $ over for a pipe dream? If something sounds to good to be true, apparently people never heard that saying or dont know what a pipe dream is.  The guy who came up with it is a criminal,  has had failed businesses, and another MLM. It's a shame woul…


      I know right. I feel bad for these people that bought into their BS. One guy signed up 8 people apparently got money on 6 but noticed he didnt get any $ on the other 2 so he emailed TRYP. They sent him back an email saying sorry this happened we will refund your $. He wasnt asking for a refund just the $ for the 2 drivers he signed up. So they probably are paying a few hundred out to each influncer and then screwing them. We had 2 influencers on here so basically a few of us said it was a scam. I got into with one of them. He got so frustrated, couldnt answer my questions, then came up with some stupid answers  it was kind of fun. Lol Most of those influencers did get mad when people said it was a scam. Why would you hand $ over for a pipe dream? If something sounds to good to be true, apparently people never heard that saying or dont know what a pipe dream is.  The guy who came up with it is a criminal,  has had failed businesses, and another MLM. It's a shame wouldn't of been a bad plan had it been legit. I want to keep up with Nomad see if that works. As long as their "discounted" commercial insurance isn't sky high $25.00 is nothing. Although I am sure that will go up if it takes off:) They dont even ask for the $ upfront like TRYP even if they did it's 25.00 versus 200.00 TRYP wanted. 

      Uber rolled out its app then Lyft followed (exactly)everything Uber did. Now that everyone knows the mistakes, what improvement are needed, etc.. Get a few drivers (from small & big cities)on board who know what they are doing, have done thousands of trips, dealt with U & L's BS  to help them understand everything that goes on from the ground up. Design the app, come  up with a decent name. Be happy with making millions & not throwing the $ that comes in into autonomous cars, outrageous salaries for CEO's & the other top evil minions, helicopters, submarines, and spaceships. Don't put HQ in Silicon Valley. All that's about is status. (Having to have a well known designer label on your clothes because it makes you feel important).  Dont be like Dara who wants money & power to be the next Jeff B. Why not be happy with a company that makes you millions?  Once you actually turn a profit then start venturing out. It's all out there, all the mistakes, design your app, do things legally, and be fair & transparent. Leave your ego and narcissistic personality at home. It just may work the person or people who can do it. I know writing my novel again. lol   One of these days I'll figure out how to type a shorter response. 

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    {{ ratingSum }}
    OP 8198 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

    There is an interview on You Tube with Taha Abassi, TRYP'S Chief Technology Officer. Uber Hints Channel on You Tube. If you are curious and want some answers watch this interview. I did watch it. Jury still out. It all sounds good but is it all true? You do not actually have to put money upfront.  

    (Kevin) The Apptrepreneur also did an interview with Taha Abassi you can check out if interested. 


    {{ ratingSum }}
    75 Driver
     5 years ago

    I have seen multiple companies start like this, there was another one just recently posted on this forum as well that claimed 100% went to driver. IMO it is always a scam.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 8198 Rider Driver
       5 years ago

      There is another one called Nomad. They are asking for $25.00 per month and the driver needs to get their own commercial insurance. Apparently they teamed up with an insurance company to give discounted rates. They give the first 30 drivers that sign up in each city 2 months free (they wave the 25.00 per mth fee X 2 mths).They are not asking for money upfront like TRYP did nor are they signing up "Influencers" to sign up drivers. Unfortunately they are only in a few cities at present.