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TRYP Rides has started the Rider on-boarding/account setup, sign up now to start - you must be invited. (Read Below)

{{ ratingSum }}
-5 Driver
 Posted 6 years, 2 months ago

Hello everyone, My name is Jeff Rider and I have the opportunity as a  Independent Driver/Influencer on the TRYP Rides platform.
I'm inviting you to try our Rideshare experience and you must apply using our invite system: www.trypridesindependentinfluencer.net

In December, TRYP Rides, Inc. began applying for Rideshare Operations in the United States, all 50 States and a month later is now ready to go LIVE in the following States: Hawaii (Honolulu), Oregon (Portland, Salem), Arizona (Phoenix, Tucson), Idaho (Boise, Nampa), New Mexico (Santa fe, Albuquerque) , Utah (Salt Lake, Ogden, Provo, Park City, Sandy), Ohio (Columbus, Cincinnati, Dayton, Athens, Cleveland, Toledo, Akron) with Florida (Miami, Orlando, Tampa, Fort Lauderdale, Palm Beach, Fort Meyers, Sarasota, Naples, Tallahassee and other States with cities in the following months.

To get a State, City and Area going ... we need Drivers & Riders from all over the USA and International.

You earn reward points for sharing your invite code to Friends, Family and Co-Workers when they do a TRYP Ride for the life of the account!
Sharing will earn you free rides!

If you have any questions you can follow and DM me: Twitter @trypridesindep1 Instagram @trypridesindependentinfluencer or email: [email protected]


    {{ ratingSum }}
    8198 Rider Driver
     5 years ago  (edited 5 years ago)

    TRYP was suppose to launch yesterday. We all know that wasnt happening. Rideshare Professor (You Tuber)went on the app requested a 15 min. ride $40/$60 on Uber and Lyft.  The app showed no drivers in the area. Look below to see the fare they wanted. As we all predicted SCAM! Cant say I feel sorry for those who believed in these people. They were warned. Guess they wish they would've listened to those who knew this was a scam. Hate to say it BUT we told you so. 

    They are out of their minds. Would've been a nice fare for a driver for 15/20 min. Lol But what idiot would pay that? A TRYP Influencer. Lol

    Show Hide  7 Replies
      {{ ratingSum }}
      152 Driver Driver
       5 years ago

      That is hilarious. They should have started with a very small area to make sure they have good saturation first.

      Maybe they need to work out the kinks? or is it the economics just don't make sense with their business model?  Probably the latter.

        {{ ratingSum }}
        8198 Rider Driver
         5 years ago

        Steven, I totally agree. How do start a business with promises to go live for months? Then you put an app out that clearly has some bugs. 

      {{ ratingSum }}
      Rider Driver Driver
       5 years ago

      Funny he bash Uber alot yet still trying to sign people up for it. Wonder why? Since you ask questions alot why you never asked rideshare professor that?

        {{ ratingSum }}
        8198 Rider Driver
         5 years ago  (edited 5 years ago)

        I dont claim to know anything about starting a business. However I have common sense enough to know that you dont put an app out that clearly isnt ready or tell people for months you are going live and it never happens.  TRYP is either a scam or they dont know what they are doing. Wouldnt you test it out and work all the bugs out first? I am assuming that the pic I posted is an error on the app. At least I hope so as no one in their right mind would pay that. So lets assume it is a mistake. Why wasnt the app tested before it went live? Again lets assume tryp is legit. I dont have much faith in this company as they really dont seem to know what they doing. So far all they have done is take money from people, empty promises, and an app that clearly needs work. My question to you is how do ypu believe in a company like that. If tryp comes out and drivers start making money, they have a decent working app, and they have riders I'll be the first to admit i was wrong. From what I&#…


        I dont claim to know anything about starting a business. However I have common sense enough to know that you dont put an app out that clearly isnt ready or tell people for months you are going live and it never happens.  TRYP is either a scam or they dont know what they are doing. Wouldnt you test it out and work all the bugs out first? I am assuming that the pic I posted is an error on the app. At least I hope so as no one in their right mind would pay that. So lets assume it is a mistake. Why wasnt the app tested before it went live? Again lets assume tryp is legit. I dont have much faith in this company as they really dont seem to know what they doing. So far all they have done is take money from people, empty promises, and an app that clearly needs work. My question to you is how do ypu believe in a company like that. If tryp comes out and drivers start making money, they have a decent working app, and they have riders I'll be the first to admit i was wrong. From what I've seen and heard dont think that will happen anytime soon if ever. For people who put out money I hope it does work. I'll even drive for them if they have a decent working app with riders. Just dont understand how you put so much faith in a company that has not produced a working app and has been claiming they are going live for months yet it never happens. 

         To answer your question I am sure he keeps it up to make $ just like tryp influencers continue to try and sign people up even though the app dont work and they have been promising for months to go live. He never tells people not to drive for Uber he just presents the facts and hopes Uber will eventually hear the drivers and change. He will still say you can make with Uber. As shitty as they treat drivers you can still make money.

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          {{ ratingSum }}
          Rider Driver Driver
           5 years ago

          The app was in Bata mode.  Why would a startup charge  $400? And in fact tryp has  over 12,000 riders in the FL market right now. They just need to get their driver base a little higher. So you see riders are ready just some drivers don't see the big picture.  Tryp will only make money on happy drivers who are their customers. So it in tryps best interest to get you as many rides as possible.  Something Uber and lyft is not dependent on that's why they treat drivers the way they do. A full time driverpays Uber about $500 to $1000 in fees alone every month while with tryp it's only $980-$2400 a YEAR. You save money and with tryp that monthly fee is a tax deductible anyway. So their's lots of advantages to driving with tryp but it will take time to grow. 

        {{ ratingSum }}
         5 years ago

        I dunno, man. That $400 price tag is pretty steep, and it is something we were paying attention to as TRYP came to the market. The skeptic's suspicions were somewhat confirmed, right?   Of course, these guys have to work out the kinks and maybe this is a corner use case, but not a smooth start for sure.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    1072 Rider Driver
     6 years ago  (edited 6 years ago)

    $200 /mo and we don't even have information on actual ridership in our cities?   What happens if we buy in, but only get 2 pings a day/10 pings a week/40 pings a month?  Our average per ride would need to be pretty high, AND we'd also have to pay for merchant services/credit card processing?   Do we pay our monthly fee upfront, or are we billed periodically?  Who determines rates?  

    Most annoying is that Tryp hasn't learned from Uber and Lyft's mistakes, and has chosen to adopt the same failed driver rating system used by other rideshare companies.  Allowing revenge ratings doesn't help anyone, especially without details on specific problems,  and all it does is build animosity and hatred between drivers and passengers.  Animosity doesn't build a successful business, and ratings only work on EMPLOYEES that can be forced to do what you want.  

    Show Hide  15 Replies
      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP -5 Driver
       6 years ago

      $199 fee is to use the app and be introduced to a requesting Rider, your merchant account is covered in that fee, so when you get paid it's the amount from the billed ride you have given.

      The first 8 months, will be like it was when Lyft and Uber started … TRYP will be marketing and doing Press to get the word out and people will be testing and trying to see if the rates and drivers are any better. Rates will be that of the 2 other apps but just below to compete and offer something better like current riders do with Lyft vs. Uber rates at time of request.

      This is a start up with that Drivers have wanted all along … that people think this is going to be better than Uber and Lyft from the start are lost in their own evils of not working another type of job.

      I'm not sure what the check and balance will be on ratings and Driver/Rider opinions ... the app has not been out in the open for review, it's being tested by a group of drivers and riders in an area that is re…


      $199 fee is to use the app and be introduced to a requesting Rider, your merchant account is covered in that fee, so when you get paid it's the amount from the billed ride you have given.

      The first 8 months, will be like it was when Lyft and Uber started … TRYP will be marketing and doing Press to get the word out and people will be testing and trying to see if the rates and drivers are any better. Rates will be that of the 2 other apps but just below to compete and offer something better like current riders do with Lyft vs. Uber rates at time of request.

      This is a start up with that Drivers have wanted all along … that people think this is going to be better than Uber and Lyft from the start are lost in their own evils of not working another type of job.

      I'm not sure what the check and balance will be on ratings and Driver/Rider opinions ... the app has not been out in the open for review, it's being tested by a group of drivers and riders in an area that is real time rideshare requests.

      Give this an oppertuniy to grow and become what the 2 founders have set fourth in starting this .. to make Drivers run their own business and not by the other 2 apps currently in play.

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        {{ ratingSum }}
        8198 Rider Driver
         6 years ago

        I have a few questions.  You state the fare for riders will be "just below" Uber and Lyft. How much below 5%, 10%? Approx. how much lower?  How are drivers going to be better when most drivers will come from Uber and Lyft? What type of background check will be done? Thats one of the biggest mistakes Uber and Lyft made. They did and continue to do 3rd party background checks. Why not do FBI Fingerprint Backgrounds? That would eliminate drivers who should not be on a ride share platform. Eliminate criminals from law abiding drivers. Is TRYP going to back the drivers or just automatically side with riders like Uber and Lyft do? Is there a customer service number drivers  can call if they need assistance? Will those representatives know how to actually help the driver or will they read from a script? When driver sends message is it being read by a person and will a person respond? Or do we get standard scripted answers that dont even apply to what the driver is as…


        I have a few questions.  You state the fare for riders will be "just below" Uber and Lyft. How much below 5%, 10%? Approx. how much lower?  How are drivers going to be better when most drivers will come from Uber and Lyft? What type of background check will be done? Thats one of the biggest mistakes Uber and Lyft made. They did and continue to do 3rd party background checks. Why not do FBI Fingerprint Backgrounds? That would eliminate drivers who should not be on a ride share platform. Eliminate criminals from law abiding drivers. Is TRYP going to back the drivers or just automatically side with riders like Uber and Lyft do? Is there a customer service number drivers  can call if they need assistance? Will those representatives know how to actually help the driver or will they read from a script? When driver sends message is it being read by a person and will a person respond? Or do we get standard scripted answers that dont even apply to what the driver is asking? We are seeing the basics for TRYP, we know we pay a fee and get 100% of the fare but whate else is different from Uber and Lyft? Although pay is a big factor there is many other issues drivers have with current ride share companies. Are airports in the US going to accept another ride share company and allow them to pick up and drop off? I love the idea of keeping 100% of the fare but what else makes me take the chance to come drive for TRYP? Why am I going to pay a fee to drive for TRYP?  what makes me hand over 200.00 to a new company that may be the same or worse than the other 2? Are we going to run into the same problems where we are driving 10/20 min to a pick up and take a rider .75 miles? What about tolls is the riders paying tolls? What do we do in the beginning when people havent switched yet to TRYP? I pay 199.00 and get 2 trips that I make 15.00 total X 4 weeks. So now 140.00 of mine is lost. Approx how quickly does your research show that people will switch? How many riders are expected to use TRYP right away? Market is saturated with drivers now will TRYP make it worse? I could go on but I think you get my point. I understand you may not have exact numbers or answers but I assume you have done research and testing in some matkets what do they show? Why are we not seeing bill boards, ads, articles, commercials? Your company sounds great in theory but I assume  before drivers are going to put out their hard earned money they will need more info. see some press, and exposure. I know I want more info. before I hand over 200.00. Not trying to be difficult just want more info. 

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          {{ ratingSum }}
          33 Rider
           6 years ago

          Momof 4 seems like this company is a scam. I see they answered other persons post but when you asked all these questions he didn't answer you. I wouldn't believe this company if i were you. Asking to put out 200.00 how many riders will even request a ride? You could wait for hours not get one damn ride.

            {{ ratingSum }}
            OP -5 Driver
             6 years ago

            I don't check this post 24/7, just once a week ... and he has MANY Questions ...

              {{ ratingSum }}
              8198 Rider Driver
               6 years ago  (edited 6 years ago)

              First just want to clarify I am a "she" a female. Of course I have many questions. Wouldn't you have many questions if you seen a new business they you may be interested in? The company is asking for 200.00 so of course there will be questions. Do you expect people to see your initial post and just hand over money no questions asked? I would hope you wouldnt want stupid people driving for your company because anyone who would sign up & not ask questions is naive or just plain stupid. You have enough negativity floating around out there. I would hope if you are trying to start a new business that you would want to convince people you are a legitimate company that will be successful. BTW are you a driver who signed up with TRYP & are trying to sign other drivers up for your bonus? Or are you someone who works for the company and is capable of answering these questions? 

                {{ ratingSum }}
                OP -5 Driver
                 6 years ago

                I think you need to wait and learn from the website as you may have done on UBER and Lyft's website to decide what you want to do. To pay $199 after 30 days of using an app that makes you 100% of the Fare and Tips is a no brainer to what you pay per drive to the other Rideshare companies in that 30 day period.
                As for your other questions, the same answer above ... you'll need to wait and learn for yourself. Others have paid the Driver set up fees and await the launch of the app. knowing it's not refundable but they're wanting to make 100% of the Ride fare and Tips.

                People have opinions and options and its a person to person choice.

                  {{ ratingSum }}
                  8198 Rider Driver
                   6 years ago

                  Uber snd Lyft were free so there wasnt much to lose but possibly some time and gas. It would be a no brainer if we knew we were going to get enough fares, if you were more honest and transparent than Uber and Lyft. There is no guarantee that people will use TRYP and the market is flooded with drivers now.  You seem to be getting annoyed when questions are being asked. Why wouldnt people ask questions? Your new. We dont know you or anyone else in the company. Cant find much on the internet other than negative feedback. If I go on a job interview tomorrow with an old reputable company thats well known I would ask questions. What do you expect, you and a few others post on ride share website to pay you 200.00 and everyone will flock to it and not ask questions? Again if you hire drivers that hand over money and dont ask questions I find that to be a problem. It's just stupidity. I am selling the Brooklyn Bridge and some swamp land in Florida maybe I should approach these drivers…


                  Uber snd Lyft were free so there wasnt much to lose but possibly some time and gas. It would be a no brainer if we knew we were going to get enough fares, if you were more honest and transparent than Uber and Lyft. There is no guarantee that people will use TRYP and the market is flooded with drivers now.  You seem to be getting annoyed when questions are being asked. Why wouldnt people ask questions? Your new. We dont know you or anyone else in the company. Cant find much on the internet other than negative feedback. If I go on a job interview tomorrow with an old reputable company thats well known I would ask questions. What do you expect, you and a few others post on ride share website to pay you 200.00 and everyone will flock to it and not ask questions? Again if you hire drivers that hand over money and dont ask questions I find that to be a problem. It's just stupidity. I am selling the Brooklyn Bridge and some swamp land in Florida maybe I should approach these drivers. I just went back and read your original post. It's all clear now. You are a driver that handed over money to TRYP and now you want other drivers to hand over their money so you can collect the referral bonus. That explains why you are getting annoyed with my questions because you dont know the answers. All you know is what they told you which obviously isnt much. I know 100% of the fare + tips, a no brainer. I apologize for assuming you were more involved in the company and could answer my questions. BTW what about thst bridge and some swamp land? If you are going to post on a ride share website intelligent people will have questions and will.wamt answers especially when they are pulling money out of their pocket. Maybe you dont need answers and trust everyone. I dont. You ever hear the saying "if it sounds to good to be true it probably is". If I am wrong I'll be the first to apologize. 



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                    {{ ratingSum }}
                    OP -5 Driver
                     6 years ago

                    I posted on this site to give information to anyone interested in Riding or Driving for TRYP.
                    I do not have all the answers up front, but from the facts given they will offer a 3rd option, competition and maybe better.
                    When UBER and Lyft started no one knew how things would turn out and they gave it chance(s). However people seem to have made the answer to their questions before they truly can be answered in a working option.

                    You (momof4) seem to spend a lot of time on this website (71 posts) (471 comments), making very long opinions to questions you would like to hear but give your answer within it - with out opportunity to work in practice.
                    You made your comment, your well wishes etc. and yet you continue to spite with out yourself giving it a try.
                    As I had said above ... sign up as a Rider and wait to see if you want to Drive. Commission is not the purpose here for me, it's to change the game towards UBER and take away what they have taken from Riders and Drivers in Greed and Lost i…


                    I posted on this site to give information to anyone interested in Riding or Driving for TRYP.
                    I do not have all the answers up front, but from the facts given they will offer a 3rd option, competition and maybe better.
                    When UBER and Lyft started no one knew how things would turn out and they gave it chance(s). However people seem to have made the answer to their questions before they truly can be answered in a working option.

                    You (momof4) seem to spend a lot of time on this website (71 posts) (471 comments), making very long opinions to questions you would like to hear but give your answer within it - with out opportunity to work in practice.
                    You made your comment, your well wishes etc. and yet you continue to spite with out yourself giving it a try.
                    As I had said above ... sign up as a Rider and wait to see if you want to Drive. Commission is not the purpose here for me, it's to change the game towards UBER and take away what they have taken from Riders and Drivers in Greed and Lost in mismanagement or overspending hard earned money.

                    Opinion your concerns, give your options and ideas and please wait to judge before a chance is given to this.

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                      {{ ratingSum }}
                      8198 Rider Driver
                       6 years ago

                      I assumed (my fault) that you were from TRYP. I didnt realize you were a driver just trying to sign other drivers up (again my fault). Before I hand over any money to anyone I need my questions answered. I cannot even comprehend why anyone would not ask questions and research a business, business opportunity before getting involved with it and giving them your money. Again I'll reoeat,  You cannot possibly expect people to hand over money no questions asked. Thats just stupidity.   Anyone with any business sense would tell you that. Every piece of info I found on the internet is negative feedback on TRYP and the man who founded it. Uber and Lyft didnt cost a dime to try it out. There was also info all over the web, tv, billboards, magazines, etc... If you had questions you could look it up. I have tried to get info on TRYP there really isnt any at all. This is the only thing we know, pay 200.00 keep 100% of fare + tips. Thats it. Nothing else. 

                      I simply wanted info a…


                      I assumed (my fault) that you were from TRYP. I didnt realize you were a driver just trying to sign other drivers up (again my fault). Before I hand over any money to anyone I need my questions answered. I cannot even comprehend why anyone would not ask questions and research a business, business opportunity before getting involved with it and giving them your money. Again I'll reoeat,  You cannot possibly expect people to hand over money no questions asked. Thats just stupidity.   Anyone with any business sense would tell you that. Every piece of info I found on the internet is negative feedback on TRYP and the man who founded it. Uber and Lyft didnt cost a dime to try it out. There was also info all over the web, tv, billboards, magazines, etc... If you had questions you could look it up. I have tried to get info on TRYP there really isnt any at all. This is the only thing we know, pay 200.00 keep 100% of fare + tips. Thats it. Nothing else. 

                      I simply wanted info about TRYP so I could make an  informed intelligent decision based on facts. You answered what you could but seemed to be annoyed that I was asking questions. Then started using terms "its a no brainer" . If I had facts and more info it may be a "no brainer". I am not the idiot for asking  questions before I spend 200.00. Then you comment on how much time i spend on here, how many post WTH does that have to do with anything? Again I post things I find relevant to ride share, questions people may want answered, etc. From the responses I've seen all over the internet in forums, articles, you tube no one trusts TRYP or ots founders.  I was asking questions in hopes of getting answers to help out other drivers. Instead you got annoyed, you insinuated I was an idiot with your "no brainer comment", told me to go look up info for myself, you then comment on how much time I spend on here and me throwing answers or opinions out there. It's a forum. Kind of the point of a forum,  where issues, views and ideas can be exchanged. People can comment or choose not to. People can also choose not to read peoples posts and comments. 

                      I am through with this topic.  I am now wasting my time on something that doesnt concern me at this time. My opinion wont change. I'll keep my money until there is info out there and proof they have more riders than Uber and Lyft. Since this is a forum and I want to add to the number of posts I have  put up here, I have an idea for you. As an "influencer" trying to sign up other drivers (i would assume you are getting a referral bonus) you may want to go about it in a nicer way. Instead of being annoyed,  rude and then telling me to look it up myself you may want to try a different approach. I can tell you drivers are skeptical all ready.  After reading your post it definately wont make them feel any better. BTW TRYP will have to undercut both Uber and Lyft to get riders to switch say maybe 20/25% so that fare you are keeping is still going to be less 20/25%. 

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                        {{ ratingSum }}
                        Rider Driver Driver
                         5 years ago

                        You guys are saying this is a scam yet Uber has been taking more and more from you guys. Everyone here must have only driven for Uber and lyft and never a taxi company.  Well the business model employ is like the taxi model. Tryp business model is like the taxi model ( let me inform you about the taxi model) the taxi model charge drivers daily or weekly depending on the company those charges can range from $89- over $100. This cause the taxi fare to be so high (hurting the customer helping the driver ). Uber came in with cheaper fares but charge drivers what it supposed to be 20% to now over 50% of the fare (hurting the driver but helping the customer) Tryp got best of both worlds .They employed the fee like taxi but only once a mouth at only $200 yet having low fares for the customers. ( helping both customer and driver cause driver keeps 100% of the fare. Is it going to take time to build a customer base yes .( Uber got started in 2009 ) but wasnt popping till 2015 ish now we a…


                        You guys are saying this is a scam yet Uber has been taking more and more from you guys. Everyone here must have only driven for Uber and lyft and never a taxi company.  Well the business model employ is like the taxi model. Tryp business model is like the taxi model ( let me inform you about the taxi model) the taxi model charge drivers daily or weekly depending on the company those charges can range from $89- over $100. This cause the taxi fare to be so high (hurting the customer helping the driver ). Uber came in with cheaper fares but charge drivers what it supposed to be 20% to now over 50% of the fare (hurting the driver but helping the customer) Tryp got best of both worlds .They employed the fee like taxi but only once a mouth at only $200 yet having low fares for the customers. ( helping both customer and driver cause driver keeps 100% of the fare. Is it going to take time to build a customer base yes .( Uber got started in 2009 ) but wasnt popping till 2015 ish now we all now customers go with whoever the cheapest so when Uber and lyft rates are surcharging whose app you think they're going to start opening more often?  . if you want to connect we can my email is [email protected]. My job is not to sell you tryp but educate you about it. I'm no expert but if I have the answer I'll give it if not I'll gladly find it for you. 

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          {{ ratingSum }}
          OP -5 Driver
           6 years ago

          Rates have not yet been determined until Markets go Live and area rates by the other Rideshare Companies are looked at.
          New Drivers, Uber and Lyft Drivers will have the chance to Drive for TRYP if they pass all required application steps.
          Background checks will be done by an Independent source that is approved by all States TRYP is permitted to drive in.
          Fingerprinting is not a requirement by the US Government or State agencies, Civil Rights are argued for privacy reasons.
          (A side note to think about, if Drivers need fingerprinting for safety concerns etc. shouldn't Riders also be fingerprinted and vetted? Would a Driver want to be in danger by driving a criminal to a location or worse be killed? Just this week a Pregnant woman was stabbed by her Lyft Rider in AZ. it's a debated and valid topic, but it's not practical for consumers or vendors to have that resource in play.)
          Policy on Driver and Rider disputes are not available at this time to disclose.
          Customer Service will be p…


          Rates have not yet been determined until Markets go Live and area rates by the other Rideshare Companies are looked at.
          New Drivers, Uber and Lyft Drivers will have the chance to Drive for TRYP if they pass all required application steps.
          Background checks will be done by an Independent source that is approved by all States TRYP is permitted to drive in.
          Fingerprinting is not a requirement by the US Government or State agencies, Civil Rights are argued for privacy reasons.
          (A side note to think about, if Drivers need fingerprinting for safety concerns etc. shouldn't Riders also be fingerprinted and vetted? Would a Driver want to be in danger by driving a criminal to a location or worse be killed? Just this week a Pregnant woman was stabbed by her Lyft Rider in AZ. it's a debated and valid topic, but it's not practical for consumers or vendors to have that resource in play.)
          Policy on Driver and Rider disputes are not available at this time to disclose.
          Customer Service will be provided at the TRYP Offices in California, no policy yet on how online and phone will be done.
          Airport approval is a site to site deal, it's not universal ... so if an Airport only allows certain transport companies, TRYP will comply.
          Marketing and Advertising is not set until the approved markets have a Driver sign up quota to launch.
          Overall, TRYP is a Tech Software business it will provide the introduction to Rider and Driver, It is up to each individual to make their ride enjoyable and safe ... Uber, Lyft and any other Rideshare has a set of standards it would like each Independent contractor to follow.
          Your expectations of TRYP being better will be on a person to person level and if you like the Drivers overall service, you will be able to request them if the Driver is on a by demand and scheduled setup for themselves.
          Riders use Uber and Lyft to see who at that time will have a better rate at time of request (shopping for a deal) because the Drivers are random ... the experience is not always 100% great. Drivers use both apps to wait for the first come first served ping to make money. TRYP will be an alternative for both Rider and Driver to use. Like Cell phone providers, who offers the best service, phones, price and coverage ... You will have another choice as a Rider, and as a Driver you will have another Ping opportunity and at a faster serve rate than being with just one rideshare app. - I think this covers all of your questions ... ?

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            {{ ratingSum }}
            8198 Rider Driver
             6 years ago

            Just because something isnt required doesnt mean it shouldnt be done. I agree 100% that it would be great  if riders would be vetted. Yes its not practical, understood. Yes I did read about the woman and her baby being murdered. Thread posted on forum. Absolutely a horrendous act of violence. I still think asking drivers for money up front from a new company is risky for the driver. Yes any new business can be risky and yes sometimes you need to take risk. Again this sounds great but there is a lot of negative comments floating out there about these being a scheme. Many drivers are obviously cautious as they should be. If this is going to be so great why charge drivers from day one? Why not allow 1st month or 2 be a lower fee of free? If driver makes decent money fee can be paid at the end of 1st month or 2?  If driver doesnt make 200.00 in first month or 2 (not enough rides offered) the money is made up by TRYP? If this works many drivers may start signing up. I think drive…


            Just because something isnt required doesnt mean it shouldnt be done. I agree 100% that it would be great  if riders would be vetted. Yes its not practical, understood. Yes I did read about the woman and her baby being murdered. Thread posted on forum. Absolutely a horrendous act of violence. I still think asking drivers for money up front from a new company is risky for the driver. Yes any new business can be risky and yes sometimes you need to take risk. Again this sounds great but there is a lot of negative comments floating out there about these being a scheme. Many drivers are obviously cautious as they should be. If this is going to be so great why charge drivers from day one? Why not allow 1st month or 2 be a lower fee of free? If driver makes decent money fee can be paid at the end of 1st month or 2?  If driver doesnt make 200.00 in first month or 2 (not enough rides offered) the money is made up by TRYP? If this works many drivers may start signing up. I think drivers need to see this actually working before they part with 200.00. As for now drivers need to be cautious as 200.00 isnt much if you are making money with TRYP but a lot to hand over not knowing if this will work. This may not seem like a lot of money to the company but for people living paycheck to paycheck it is. This is a great idea that I am sure most drivers would go for once there is proof that there is money to be made (riders willing to switch). Better rates for riders will mean lower fares for drivers. Fares are too low as it is for the driver. I still have to ask about the ratings? Is TRYP going to use same rating system? If not how will your rating system work?  Uber and Lyft rating system has done nothing but cause animosity between driver & passenger as red ANT stated. Just not good for business. Tolls, is rider paying them?  What about long pick ups? If we are traveling more than 10 min for example will rider be charged a fee? Is TRYP going to do anything about short rides? Even making 5.00 for these short rides we travel 10 min to are not worth it. What about customer services? Can we get a real person we can understand? Will they answer our question or issue with a reasonable answer or just with generic answers that may or may not help? If its too time consuming and  too many questions this should cover the rest of my questions. I am sure your company knows the problems with Uber and Lyft that the drivers have. What I am asking is will TRYP improve on these issues?  Or is it same as Uber & Lyft business model with the exception driver makes 100% of fare and driver pays fee? Is TRYP going to improve on some or most of drivers ussues or not at all. Although the fate thing if works will be great there are still many areas that need improvement.

            Best of luck. Looking forward to seeing how this plays out. Hopefully it is a better alternative than driving for other ride share. Again great idea and great opportunity just too much too risk at this time. Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. 

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              {{ ratingSum }}
              OP -5 Driver
               6 years ago

              See my reply below, and my mistake that I didn't click on your name to view your profile - I Apologize for that.

        {{ ratingSum }}
        33 Rider
         6 years ago

        Is this for real? How come I cant request a ride?

          {{ ratingSum }}
          OP -5 Driver
           6 years ago

          TRYP is not active in any market at this time.
          www.dispatcheddriver.com will allow you to sign up as a Rider and get information of launch in your area. If you want to be a Driver you can sign up as a Rider and then upgrade to Driver once area is LIVE and in need of Drivers. If you pay the fee today for on boarding as a Driver, it is not yet known when a market with go LIVE. And even though your money will be held and ready for that time, I would wait and have that money available to you now for other things. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
    4088 Rider Driver
     6 years ago

    I have to report my findings on TRYP. TRYP is a scam. It is a thinly veiled M(ulti)L(evel)M(arketing) and as is the case with all MLMs, no one except the organizers will make any money. TRYP promises the moon. Most importantly to driver, 100% of fares. No app, no riders, no company. Sure, I'm gonna hand over $200 a month to a ghost on a promise. NOT!

    This guy "DispatchedDriver" is an Influencer. In this MLM scam they have the "Independent Driver" (an actual driver) and "Influencers" (people who have nothing to do with Ride Share - but want to get in on this scam by influencing people to participate).

    Steer clear of this one friends. If it looks like a skunk, walks like a skunk and smells like a skunk...wait for it...it probably IS a skunk!! I know this scam stinks!

    Show Hide  1 Reply
      {{ ratingSum }}
       6 years ago

      Wait you have to pay $200 to drive for this company? That seems quite backwards.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    8198 Rider Driver
     6 years ago  (edited 6 years ago)

    200.00 to be a member, 200.00 per month and 150.00 annual fee.  Lol

    {{ ratingSum }}
    8198 Rider Driver
     6 years ago  (edited 6 years ago)

    Lets for 1 min imagine that this was real. TRYP would have to lower their fares below Uber and Lyft say around 20/30%. Those numbers sound familiar? So drivers pay 200.00 per month to get 100% of the fare that is 20/30% less than Uber and Lyft = drivers making same amount on fares as they do on Uber and Lyft BUT TRYP will have very few riders. Driver would be lucky to make 20.00 for the month. $550.00 to start paid by driver. Do these people really think all drivers are dumb enough to fall for this BS? There will be a few desperate ones maybe but yes SCAM written all over it. There is nothing positive anywhere about the company and founder. There os no apps no nothing. I hope people realize this before they hand over 200.00. Dipatched driver got all defensive and an attitude because I had the nerve to ask questions instead of just handing over 200.00. He wants to sign people but tells you to look up info when the make believe website comes out. Dont you think you should know about the…


    Lets for 1 min imagine that this was real. TRYP would have to lower their fares below Uber and Lyft say around 20/30%. Those numbers sound familiar? So drivers pay 200.00 per month to get 100% of the fare that is 20/30% less than Uber and Lyft = drivers making same amount on fares as they do on Uber and Lyft BUT TRYP will have very few riders. Driver would be lucky to make 20.00 for the month. $550.00 to start paid by driver. Do these people really think all drivers are dumb enough to fall for this BS? There will be a few desperate ones maybe but yes SCAM written all over it. There is nothing positive anywhere about the company and founder. There os no apps no nothing. I hope people realize this before they hand over 200.00. Dipatched driver got all defensive and an attitude because I had the nerve to ask questions instead of just handing over 200.00. He wants to sign people but tells you to look up info when the make believe website comes out. Dont you think you should know about the company your handing money over to?  This makes me want to sign up immediately "other drivers paid their money knowing its not refundable". Dispatched driver is a sucker or in on the scam along with the other 2 that posted threads on site.  I just can't even respond to this anymore its a joke. DD not going to find a single sign up here as we brains and common sense. Troll elsewhere

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    {{ ratingSum }}
    54 Rider Driver
     6 years ago

    I have seen nothing positive about this TRYP  anywhere. Momof4 seems like someone was getting annoyed with your questions. Seems like they didnt think to ask any questions themselves. You may have hit a sore spot. Have to agree they are going to have to lower their fare by at least 20% if not more. Dont see this working out for drivers