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Uber Pool Passenger tries to get over on woman driver. You wont believe his reaction!

{{ ratingSum }}
8198 Rider Driver
 Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

A cheapass pool passenger tries to get driver to make other stops. She explains that he should've ordered Uber X not pool. Pool riders are to go from A to B no stops in between. Check out video link below. 



    {{ ratingSum }}
    205 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

    I mean I guess I get why he's frustrated but assault is never cool or smart.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    Part of the problem is that some riders just don't understand how pool works. They just see how cheap it is and push the button. This guy obviously has an anger management problem too which isn't helping the situation.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      275 Rider Driver
       5 years ago

      Ya I agree completely with this. I have found that Pool passegers just think it is the cheapest option they don't realize half the time that they will be riding with other riders.Unfortunately this is always taken out on the driver not on Uber as a company

    {{ ratingSum }}
    524 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

    That's assault, and he ought to be charged for it, if they knew who he was. 

    But I hate to say it that kind of behavior comes with the territory. Someone in another thread was saying we should all have those plastic shields installed in our cars like taxis have in big cities. Doesn't seem like that bad of an idea when you see behavior like this.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    OP 8198 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

    Drivers, these pool rides are getting worse. They make Uber and Lyft all the $ while you are left with peanuts. I get its hard to strike because we all have bills to pay but stop accepting pool rides. Two months ago a driver had a pool passenger went to pick up another pool passenger who turned out to be a drug addict. He shot and killed both the driver and female passenger for no reason. Stop accepting the pool rides. Another driver was just robbed a gun point along with his 2 pool passengers.  Is it worth an injury or your life? If drivers were to decline all pool rides Uber and Lyft would have no choice but to get rid of pool. NO MORE POOL RIDES, NOT WORTH THE AGGRAVATION.  BTW it also seems to lower your ratings. When I stopped pool rides my ratings went up. Many (not all) drivers will agree. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
    OP 8198 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

    What a total disgusting POS. Sucks she didnt have a Taser. Although according to Uber's TOS we cant carry weapons. Personally rather be judged by 12 then carried by 6 or be deactivated by Uber then 6' under. Then the police tell her Uber isnt cooperating. No doubt because they dont care about drivers. I am sure this POS is still requesting rides. What I dont understand is how Uber can get away with not cooperating with Police. Sounds to me like police officer who showed up didnt want to do his job. Maybe Uber does give Police a big run around and cop thought it wasnt a big enough crime to be bothered. Whatever the reason Uber needs to empty the trash. They deactivate drivers at 4.6 & they threatened to deactivate riders with low ratings but havent heard of 1 rider getting deactivated. I am still getting request for low rated riders (4.19 to 4.49). I decline any and every rider under a 4.50. Every driver who has been assulted by a passenger needs to come forward get their story out to the press and then file a class action lawsuit especially if riders ratings are low.