Flutter Shy (FlutterShy)
Ride Apprentice
310 RiderActivity
Posts by FlutterShy
When you are hammered and your Uber driver did it.
"Hey, it's your Uber driver. I am inside."
Asking a driver how long he's been driving. Check out the response.
Too funny. -
What is the proper etiquette with tipping an Uber and Lyft driver?
How much should I tip my Uber driver? I am sure drivers and customers have different opinions. if you can … -
Should I give low ratings to Uber drivers who solicit tips?
Uber Rent - Drive stranger's cars AirBnB style! Would you rent your car for $5 an hour?
Wow, it's happening. You just walk up to and drive someone else's car. Sort of like ZipCar but instead of … -
Can an Uber rider be deactivated if the rating becomes too low?
So the drivers can be deactivated when the rate falls below a threshold (around 4.6, I hear), but what about … -
When do surges typically happen? When are surge times?
Uber and Lyft both Shortchanging Customers - "Upfront", of course.
April 2017: Uber sued for shortchanging drivers with new upfront pricing system Jan 2018: Lyft Drivers Say They're Getting Shortchanged … -
Is Uber Doing Enough to Protect Women from Drivers Who Stalk Them? [Broadly, 7//1/2016]
Is Uber Doing Enough to Protect Women from Drivers Who Stalk Them? After an Uber driver used Bridget Bechtel's number … -
How can I avoid drivers from stalking me now they have my cell phone number?
I heard stories where Uber drivers even after the trip calling and texting them. How can I avoid this? I …
Featured Answers by FlutterShy
or just make it so it's one time fee and no distance or duration. The rest the driver gets t keep.
Call it a usage fee of the app. It doesn't require Uber to do anymore work. It's an introduction fee. an App usage fee.
You are very kind and thoughtful. People should be empathetic as you are. If everyone was, the world will be a much better place.
I only order small stuff and usually during the day, like at my work. I go downstairs every time and meet them at the curb. It just makes sense to do so. It wouldn't really make sense for them to sign in and come up.
Not sure about the apartments. I live in the suburbs, so I can't relate. What does Domino's do?
With limo and taxi companies, I used to pay attention to reputation, but with rideshares, it's not like you have any choice. It's between Uber and Lyft.
Umm, wherever you wanna sit. Just not on the driver.
Many pool rides may not even make another stop, so you might as well be comfortable.
I hope they bring back Uber Puppies.
I have taken Uber and Lyft 1000 times and I have never used that feature.
I googled Uber Pro but getting strange results about driver benefits and their paying college tuitions. What is it really?
Your attentiveness to open an umbrella and walk me to the door.
HAAAHAAAHAA. This is dead on!!! Super funny. I particularly love how the 4-star goes to "Driver needs to be terminated. Well, that escalated quickly!!!
ants marching.
Japanese sumi-e painting? Gorgeous.
This is my favorite. It isn't mine btw.
"Just felt uncomfortable. He was whistling a lot."
or just make it so it's one time fee and no distance or duration. The rest the driver gets t keep.
Call it a usage fee of the app. It doesn't require Uber to do anymore work. It's an introduction fee. an App usage fee.
I don't think so. Why don't you just try it.
This question should be changed to, "Who is the richest person who has driven an Uber?"
yeah, explaining that to the jury
Wait, sorry. Your sentence confuses me a little. Are you saying people with disposal income are less likely to tip? Less so than frugal people or those with lower incomes?
Is this really true. What an irony.
I don't mean to pass judgements, but people who sign up for these monthly fees are the cost conscious folks, right? so my next question is the tip. I feel like they may lean towards not tipping.
I don't mean to speak ill to these passengers, but in an industry where there are no set rules and no expectation on how much people should be tipping, I'd imagine people with subscription would fall on the lower end of the tipping range.
I don't even understand this question. Can we order Lyft or Uber through texts? Like a chatbot? Sorta cool actualy. so google-esque
Many drivers hand out their business cards (especially the UberBlacks) so they can have people call them for rides. This way, they don't have to pay the 25% Uber commissions.