You've got to be kidding me.
"Forget billboards—motorists now have ads buzzing a few feet above their windshields"
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Uber Driver, CEO of TaxiFareFinder and Unleashed, LLC
Uber Driver and CEO/President of Unleashed, LLC.
Ippei boasts over 11 years of experience in travel and taxi industry. As a CEO, he has built, managed, and executed the operations of TaxiFareFinder since 2007. He has partnerships and relationships with major taxi, rideshare, and other travel-related companies.
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You've got to be kidding me.
"Forget billboards—motorists now have ads buzzing a few feet above their windshields"
The fact that you CAN does not mean you SHOULD.
Are there really no laws against this?!! Come on regulators?!
Well, look at what happened when we waited for the law makers to save the taxi industry. All gone. Medallions that were selling for over $1M a few years ago are completely worthless now.
I was wondering the exact same thing.
Just to be clear... This is an adveritsement campaign Uber ran to market Uber. I don't think this is a sevice you can hire Uber to do. Those aren't ad-delivering Uber drones!
Even though, I guess that is certainly possible in the future. Here's more info from The Verge
What?! This is insane! Just wait until the first reported car accident that is caused by these drones!