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What's Uber rate for rental drivers in Atlanta?

{{ ratingSum }}
 Posted 5 years, 7 months ago

Before returning to them I want to know. I drive for Lyft now and their rates are 40 cents per mile and 10 cents per minute. I drove for Uber for a while but decided to leave after my pay tanked. I was making $1100 with them before and then I struggled to make $800. This is before the rental fee and gas might I add. The rate was 80 cents down to 60 cents a then down some more. 

I want to switch back because of the bs Lyft pulled recently. My account was deactivated because one person reported AN ANT in my car. Yes an ant that he or she probably brought in is enough to get an account deactivated. I had to spend money on a car wash and bug spray and I missed a day and a half. Uber seems to have more promotions. Not nearly as much as they used to. I remember how downtown had surges every rush hour. In all honestly I gotta get a better job.


    {{ ratingSum }}
    1300 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

    An ant for deactivation? Are you serious? These shady, unethical companies need a solid break check, they will burn in hell.