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With Lyft Express drive, I see its states that if enough rides are provided ...

{{ ratingSum }}
20 Driver
 Posted 6 years, 11 months ago

With Lyft Express drive, I see its states that if enough rides are provided that the rental cost will be reimbursed. Does this reimbursement include items on the rental such as insurance? I've rented many cars before and normally its around 40% higher with the taxes so when I see an advertisement saying $209/wk (certain markets) rentals for Lyft express drive is that the grand total or just the rental part. Is the grand total completely reimburseable or just the rental amount pre-tax and pre-insurance? Thanks so much, Scott


    {{ ratingSum }}
    26 Rider Driver
     6 years ago  (edited 6 years ago)

    In Las Vegas as an example city the opportunity is only gone down hill. Out the door with tax it’s $261 a week. In June of 2018 Lyft decided to raise the quota to 115 rides a week from 70 rides plus 35 of those 115 need to be done on Lyft selected times which are heavily out weighed on the weekends.

    Their way of controlling drivers “independent contractors” for Lyfts benefit. They will always tell the drivers peak ride times are not mandatory but any common sense driver realizes if you want to make more than minimum wage after expenses you need those bonuses. So profitability wise it is mandatory! 

    The rental program only makes sense if you are willing to work 60 to 70 hours a week on lyfts schedule. Most drivers will only average just shy of 2 rides per hour. So the math is easy 115 rides divided by 2 = 57.5 hours a week to get $180 of the $262 rental cost coveted. Then add gas cost in my case at these gas prices about $200/$225 a week. 

    The first week …


    In Las Vegas as an example city the opportunity is only gone down hill. Out the door with tax it’s $261 a week. In June of 2018 Lyft decided to raise the quota to 115 rides a week from 70 rides plus 35 of those 115 need to be done on Lyft selected times which are heavily out weighed on the weekends.

    Their way of controlling drivers “independent contractors” for Lyfts benefit. They will always tell the drivers peak ride times are not mandatory but any common sense driver realizes if you want to make more than minimum wage after expenses you need those bonuses. So profitability wise it is mandatory! 

    The rental program only makes sense if you are willing to work 60 to 70 hours a week on lyfts schedule. Most drivers will only average just shy of 2 rides per hour. So the math is easy 115 rides divided by 2 = 57.5 hours a week to get $180 of the $262 rental cost coveted. Then add gas cost in my case at these gas prices about $200/$225 a week. 

    The first week this 115/35 ride quota came out I was logged in 72 hours mostly chasing these 35 “peak rides” some hours  not getting any peak rides leaving the house in early hours away from my kids. Very frustrating! 

    So if your considering the rental rewards express drive program keep this in mind. There’s no way to be profitable with this on a part time basis and understand 50 to 60 hours a week in Las Vegas at least. 

    The he bottom line opinion Lyft does not care about the drivers only profits. Greed has set in. 

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      148 Rider
       6 years ago

      Thanks for sharing this.  This is the type of information that needs to be shared, because consumers are getting screwed by the BS claims that Lyft and Uber continue to spew.

      This is a great example, because this sounds great on paper but there's the truth of there being a quota.  60~70 hours week?  Come on.  There is obvious an agenda here by these companies whose only goal is to make more money.  

      {{ ratingSum }}
       6 years ago

      I have found that Lyft pretends to be the "good guy" but really they are just as corrupt if not worse than Uber. When I first signed up for Lyft I did so to get a $500 bonus if I signed up by a certain date, however, they held my account for a while becuase my profile pic wasn't inline with what they wanted. By the time everything got resolved the $500 bonus date had passed! They wouldn't budge for me either and of course I couldn't sign up again to get another bonus. Still pisses me off to this day!

        {{ ratingSum }}
        26 Rider Driver
         6 years ago  (edited 6 years ago)

        Lyft is definitely worse than Ubers now! Peak rides are a scam it’s nothig more than Lyfts way to control independent contractors like employees. More lawsuits in California coming up 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago

    Wait, I didn't even know this about those rental programs.  So you are saying that they reimburse you for the difference if they don't get you enough rides?

    Doesn't this mean Lyft will prioritize you to get your more fares?  ...over other drivers?  Is this some conspiracy stuff or does everyone know this?

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      26 Rider Driver
       6 years ago

      No Lyft doesn’t pay anything towards the rental unless you hit the quota which is so high now you need to work 70 hours or more a week to hit it. If you don’t hit it you’re pretty much losing money